Day 2

Lux's eyes snap open when she hears a banging on her door. She looks out through her patio doors and sees Austin standing there. When he sees she is awake he taps his watch and shrugs with annoyance. She checks the time and sees it's not even 6 am. She pulls the covers over her head, sticks her hand out, and flicks him off. She laughs to herself when she hears him try and jiggle the locked handle. "Stop playing games, Lux!" he shouts from outside. Lux makes a show of sitting up then turning around and flopping down on her pillow again. "Everything ok out here?" she hears Louis's voice. Good, he will get rid of Austin for her. "Stupid cow is working on my last fucking nerve," Austin spits out. "Oh, here...I have a spare key card to her room. You can keep it," Louis says like the fucking happy helper he is. The fucking traitor. You can't find a good friend anywhere these days. Lux waits till she hears the click of the key card then gets out of bed and grabs her workout clothes. "That's what I fucking thought," Austin says but jams his foot in the bathroom door when she tries to close it behind her.

"What the fuck?"

"Do I have STUPID tattooed across my forehead? No. You have five minutes before I come in there and drag your ass out," Austin says. Lux tries to push him away - he does not budge. Fucking bullshit. "This is great. You two are fantastic," Louis says climbing onto her bed. "Louis will see me naked. I am a modest girl," Lux says. "Were you modest when you fucked a random man behind my back? No. Change," Austin spits out. Lux would have a razor-sharp comeback but she now has a lump in her throat at how hateful Austin's eyes were when he spoke so she retreats and starts changing.

"How do you know it was a guy?" Louis asks.


"How do you know it was a guy?  Could have been a should ask her to tell you what happened. Get all the details," Louis says. Lux grabs the door handle, yanking the door open and glaring at Louis. "Come with us," she says. "No can do demon lady eyes, you have lovely eyes," he says to Austin, "I have better things to do than getting kneed in the balls," Louis says. Lux rolls her eyes at him and then walks out of her room, Austin is hot on her heels.

"Why does Louis have a key card to your room?  You fucking him?" Austin's snarky words come flying at her making her halt in her tracks halfway down to the beach. She turns slowly to see an angry-looking Austin, his eyes say they are ready to challenge her - push her buttons as best he can. But, knowing he thinks that of her, that he thinks so lowly of her makes her chest painful. "No," she whispers then turns and continues to walk. Austin follows her but he stays quiet.

She takes a yoga mat and places it at the back of the group and does not acknowledge Austin when he places his mat down next to hers. "Morning," Rich says turning around with a sweet smile only a father can offer. "Morning," both Lux and Austin whisper back. Lux can't do much more than that because of the lump still in her throat. She keeps her tears long enough until the instruction tells them to get into the same position as yesterday then Austin moves to stand behind her. With her face no longer visible to him she lets a tear slip out. She is not a horrible person - Austin just seems to bring that out in her.

She feels his hands on her hips and then leans forward and touches her toes, Austin has left enough space between them to ensure they are not touching. There are a few more escaped tears and she has to wipe them quickly before they get into the next stretch, she keeps her head down as they place their feet together and pull one way then the next, her jaw clenched as she wills herself not to cry. The next pose has Austin hovering over her and she keeps her face turned away, but she can feel him looking at her. "Ok, ladies, hands on the men's chests and hold them up as best you can!" the instructor shouts. Lux places her hands on his chest without looking and then her arms go shaky as she tries to hold him up. He is very heavy even with him not letting go completely and his face is now really close to hers.

"I am sorry, Lux...I was being an asshole," he whispers. "It's fine," she whispers, her head still turned. "It's not. Look at me please," he says, his voice is so soft, so sweet. Lux can't blink her eyes again, she can feel they are watery, if she blinks she will lose a tear and Austin will see. She feels weak, venerable and she does not like it. "Lux," Austin whispers again. She feels him relax his arms and put more weight on her - she has nowhere to get out. He is a clever boy, he will be ready and waiting for her knee. She has no other choice but to turn her head slowly and face him.

His face softens when he sees her watery eyes. He knows how hard-ass and stubborn she is - getting her to the point of tears takes some heavy words, some heavy moments. She has cried more than once since she has gotten here. "This is not an excuse, just a make me lose my head. I am not like that anymore. I have grown up a lot these past ten years. I am sorry I said that to you..." he whispers. His face is so close to hers that his breath tickles the fine hairs on her face. "I am sorry, Austin...I am sorry I hurt you," she whispers. There is a flash of anger in his eyes and he sucks his lips into his mouth, biting down on them then giving her a tight nod and relaxing his arms a little more. He is fucking heavy and her arms shake as they almost reach breaking point.

"Ok! We made it through with no injuries!  Next pose!" the instructor shouts. Austin is off her in a flash and she suddenly feels desperately sad about the loss. "I want you to face your partner, make sure there are two steps between you. Keep eye contact, it's very important, then one partner says something nice - make it deep and meaningful - then take a step forward. The other partner says the same. Once you are pressed up together curl your arms around each other and lock in a tight embrace, " the instructor says. Lux has done yoga before and she remembers no such pose.

"You first," Austin says. Lux has not had any nice thoughts about Austin in years, she has made sure to keep any memory with him sour and jaded. "Ummmm..." she tries to think. "Come on Lux, you can think of something nice to say," she hears Shawn's voice. "Shawn, worry about your own shit," Austin snaps at him then looks at Lux, running his hands over his short hair and gesturing for her to continue. "I loved your long hair..." Lux starts and Austin freezes, watching her carefully, "but...I like your hair more like this," she says softly and takes a step forward. Hair? Superficial, right? Only it's not, it's so much more and the way Austin is looking at her, Lux knows he knows. "Your morning voice..." Austin says quietly, so quietly Lux has to strain to hear him. "just when you start waking up. It's soft, slightly raspy...I can still hear it...that second between sleep and wake..." he says then takes a step forward. They are pushed up against each other but Lux keeps her eyes on his chest and neither of them lifts their arms to wrap around each other, Lux thinks Austin's arms feel as heavy as hers.

She has had enough for one session. It's further than they got yesterday so she waits a few seconds then takes a step back and walks away, up the beach, and then back to her room. Yesterday had been full-on, shot after shot of snippy comments - but soft quiet moments feel like they weigh heavier on her chest.

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