A long night

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Stretch set a pillow on the ground, besides the couch. He laid down and puts his arms behind his head, resting his head on top of it.
Red looked down at stretch as he laid there. It was strange, he couldn't remember the last time someone had slept with him.. the last slumber party he had was when his papyrus was very little. He snapped from his thoughts when he noticed stretch smirking at him.

" looks like you have the high ground now "
Stretch said with a small chuckle and red rolled his eyes in annoyance. Red laid back and stared at the ceiling, letting his mind run. Suddenly stretch spoke up

" Timelines. "

What.. what did he say?
Red's eyes shot open and he turned to his side to look down at stretch.
" what? How do you.. "

" so you know about it. "
Stretch said calmly as he looked back at red. His expression was more serious then his usual lazy one. He then sighed and spoke again
" I think I'm starting to understand what's going on, though it's a theory and I wanna hear your thoughts. "

Red looked down at him with a confused expression. His mind running wild with questions.. and he wanted answers.
" okay, shoot. "
Stretch nodded and sat up and turned his body towards red, and began explaining.
" if timelines exist, with different endings, different beginnings.. what are the chances of, alternative universes existing? A multiverse. "

Red listened carefully and his eyebrow raised when stretch's words clicked in his mind. Suddenly things were being piece together. Why stretch's home looks like his but different, why Snowdin looks the same but no grillby's.. why stretch had his brother's face.
" you're saying.. I'm from another universe, where my world is completely different from yours. "

Stretch was silent but he nodded at red. Placing a hand on his chin his expression soften and he sighed
" man I can't believe I just piced it together myself. It was kinda obvious from the start.. you look like my bro but more.. emo- "
Stretch said with a slight smile on his face and Red glared at him in annoyance.

" yeah.. and you look like my papyrus but more goofy looking. "
Red said still looking at stretch with annoyance. Stretch laughed a little and dramatically placed a hand on his chest, acting heartbroken
" rude!~ it's my style no need for such harsh words.. "

" I could say worse. "
Red said with a smirk. He was trying to contain his laughter by stretch's silly actions. Stretch looked stunned and he let out a chuckle
" yeah I don't wanna find out heh.. so seeing how we are in common, lazy, funny, condiment drinkers- actually that reminds me.. mustard. Really? "

Red laughed at stretch when he questioned his choice of drink, it was obvious he was grossed out about it but red didn't mind

" don't think I haven't noticed a shit ton of honey bottles everywhere, you're the gross one here "

" at least it tastes sweeter than mustard "

Suddenly minutes turn to hours. Red and Stretch spent the rest of the night talking, telling jokes finding more in common between each other.. suddenly they weren't strangers anymore

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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