another nightmare

22 1 0

Red laid on the couch, tossing and turning his head in his sleep as sweat drip down his forehead. He was muttering words that were difficult to understand.
" "
Suddenly red shot up and yelled out. His red eyes glowed in the darkness, lighting up his terrified face. He took a look around his surroundings as he pants heavily. He seemed to looking around for something.. or someone.
Papyrus? Where's papyrus?!
Red yelled in his mind, his heart was racing. He seemed to completely forget where he was.

Hearing red yell woke stretch up instantly and without a second thought he teleported to the couch. He saw red panting heavily and red's eyes darting around the room in panic, it worried stretch. He gently placed a hand on red's shoulder and talked calmly
" hey buddy, it's okay.. calm down.. breath.. "

" pap.. papyrus?.. "
Red said with a trembling voice. He looked at stretch, but he saw him as his brother. His papyrus. It took him a moment to calm down and think clearly. He clearly saw stretch in front of him and he sighed.. in disappointment. He tapped stretch's hand that was resting on his shoulder then spoke with a small growl in his voice
" Stop it. I'm fine. "

Stretch sighed in relief seeing red recovered and he removed his hand. He rub the back of his neck and let out a long sigh
" Jeez.. not gonna lie you scared me there. Not my kind of way to wake up "
Stretch said with a slight tired smile on his face, clearly trying to lighten the mood. He then noticed red looking down, gripping the blanket that covered his legs. Stretch looked at him with concerned and took a seat at the far end of the couch, giving red space.
" night terrors? "

Red was silent for a moment, hesitating on answering stretch's question. He then groaned and nodded
" yeah. They're not pretty.. "

Stretch listened and study red. Although he was a complete stranger who had his brother's face, he still worried for him
" I see.. my bro had night terrors for a time when he was little. I experience them too.. you seem to have them daily.. "
Stretch said and he took noticed of red's sudden movement to his comment about having the nightmares daily. He couldn't leave him like this

" hey.. want me to stay here with ya? Don't worry I won't steal the couch from ya, the floor is way more comfortable in my opinion "
Stretch spoke with a smug look on his face. His silly words put red at ease. Red thought for a moment then nodded

" yeah. Sure. Knock yourself out "

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