3| The Vanishing Glass

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10 years had passed since Harry and Evelyn were found at the Dursleys' doorstep and have been living with them.

Early in the morning, Harry's sleep was disturbed by his aunt Petunia's screechy voice.

"Lily, isn't that your sister?" Natalia asked loudly.

"Yes she is..." Lily mumbled, trying to take in every information.

"Woah... That means I marry Evans! See that Lily flower... We have three kids together." James said, jumping up and down in happiness.

"Congrats mate!" The marauders cheered.

"Get back to your place James... You're scaring the poor girl." Euphemia scolded James and passed a welcoming smile to Lily, which the girl gladly returned.

Harry went out of his and Evelyn's shared room, which was a cupboard under the staircase. Harry and Evelyn lived there with the company of a few spiders for longer than they could remember.

"How dare they make my two of my grandkids sleep in such a nasty place." Fleamont seethed.

"Are you up yet?" Petunia asked, knocking on the door impatiently.

"Yes I am aunt Petunia..." Harry drawled, moving outside the room

"Great. Now go to the kitchen and prepare a perfect breakfast. It is my dudderkins birthday today..." She ordered and went upstairs to check on her 'dudderkins'.

"How dare she..." The Potters (including Lily), Sirius and Remus seethed.

"I can't believe that she's my sister..." Lily said sadly.

"Don't worry Lils... We'll make everything alright..." James went over to Lily and hugged her.

"Oh wow... Such a significant day..." Harry mumbled in s sarcastic way and went to the kitchen to prepare 'Dudderkins' special breakfast before his aunt, uncle or cousin could come down.

"They are basically treating the poor boy like a house elf..." Narcissa said sympathetically.

Harry managed to prepare the breakfast within half an hour and luckily, he could carry some back to his room for Evelyn.

"Why would he need to carry breakfast? Won't they provide his and his sister food..." Rosier thought to himself but quietened as he himself got an answer. Everyone looked sad hearing this. Lily and Euphemia were  sobbing lightly seeing this.

"I hate you petunia!" Lily mumbled.

Just as Harry was done sneaking food, Dudley came running downstairs to the main hall to open his birthday presents. He asked his father how many were there, and when Vernon told him there were 36, Dudley ranted angrily about how he had two less presents than last time. Petunia chimed in that they would buy him two more when they would go to the zoo that day.

The Pure bloods gasped in shock seeing the boy shouting at his parents. If they would speak in that way to their parents, they wouldn't be spared.

"That is a very bad example of parenting." Molly commented and everyone nodded in agreement.

Harry went back to his room to see that his sister had not touched the food at all. He sighed, knowing that Evelyn would never eat alone, knowing that Harry wouldn't have eaten a bit.

"Come on in Harry, let's have our breakfast..." Evelyn said with a smile.

"Why don't you just eat it all Evie? You'd be hungry..." Harry said softly.

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