Chapter Four: Dr. Chankimha

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Becky's POV

Waking up on the weekend mornings is the best day of my life.

I got out on my bed and made my way to the bathroom.

I don't have any plans today. I just want to stay in my condo,cuddle my pillows and maybe watch some good movies.

After some time, I heard my phone ring. I walk straight to the bedside table and take it.

"Good morning princess."

I smiled when I heard my father's voice on the other line.

"Hi dad, it's a very good morning indeed."

He chuckled.

"I just called to remind you about the dinner with your uncle Damian's family tonight." He said.

"Oh ! I almost forgot about that dad. Thank you for reminding me."

It's true that it slips on my mind. I thought I could rest the whole day and night today.

"Do you have something planned tonight princess ? it's fine if you can't make it to dinner. I will just tell them that you are busy."

"No no dad, I don't have any plans tonight. What time will dinner be ?"

"Eight in the evening princess. In Chankimha's mansion."

"Okay dad, I will ask my driver to fetch me before eight."

"You don't need to ask your driver princess. Richie will fetch you there."

"Richie ? what do you mean dad ? Richie is in Thailand now ?"

I feel excited after the news. my brother is home now.

I heard my father giggle.

"Yes, He just got home this morning."

"Can you tell him to come here by six tonight dad ? I really miss him."

"If that's my princess want, then I will tell him first thing when he wakes up."

I laugh at dad. he really treat me like a princess. Actually, not only him but also my whole family. I can feel that they truly love me.

They also let me decide when it comes to my personal life.

I'm really lucky to have them.

"Thank you dad. I love you."

"I love you too princess."

I turn off the call and walk straight to the kitchen.

I make myself a sandwich and coffee.

I sit down in my couch and scrolling on my phone when something get my attention.

It is an Instagram post from Heng.

It is an Instagram post from Heng

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