Chapter Three: Her Soulmate

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Becky's POV

"Ms. Armstrong, someone is waiting for you outside." my secretary told me.

"Who is it ?" I look up at her and close the files I'm reading.

"She said her name is Taylor Swift." she sounds unsure. "But I know she is Irinn Urassaya Ms." she continued scratching her nape.

I giggles. So, she's Taylor Swift again.

Of course she is not Taylor Swift.

She's Irinn. My best friend.

"Let her in." I said

She walk through the glass door and open it.

I saw Irinn smiling widely while walking. She laugh as she goes near me.

Irinn is my best friend since we're in middle school. She's also an actress and singer at the same time.

"Don't you want to hug Taylor Swift ?" she ask opening her both arms for a hug.

I rolled my eyes.

"Excuse me, don't you dare use my idol's name again."

She laughed at what I said.

"I thought you missed me." she said pouting.

I walk straight to her and give her a big hug. Of course I miss her.

We didn't see each other for almost a month.

She got injured while in the shooting of her new drama so she got confined at the hospital for a month.

I visited her just one time in the hospital but after that, I didn't visit her again because of my busy schedule.

"Of course I am and I'm glad you're in a good shape now."

"But still, I can't forget the fact that you visited me just once. Are you really my best friend ? I am in the hospital for a month but you visited me just one time ?" she's sulking now.

I hissed. "I have a busy schedule and you know that."

I know she's just joking around.

This is Irinn. The clever and jolly Irinn.

All of a sudden, she smile widely and became thrilled.

"It's fine. At least I have a good looking doctor there who assisted me the whole time."

I raised my eyebrows. There she is again. I think I know what she's gonna say next.

"I think I found my soulmate."

We both say in unison. And we laugh after.

"Seriously Becky, I think I found the right one for me." she said after a while. "but the only problem is, I think she's straight." she continue and bite her lips.

My eyes widen. What does she mean.

"Do I hear it right Irinn ? you said 'she' ?" I can't believe what she's saying now.

She just nodded.

"Yes" she answered. "I think I am gay Becky. She made me gay." she stated while laughing.

I laugh with her awkwardly. although it's not a problem for me even if she's gay or what.

She's still my best friend.

"Irinn, are you for real ?"

"I know you won't believe me, but wait until you meet her. She's so sweet and thoughtful. She cares about everyone around her. I can't believe someone like her exist in this world. She really has a good heart. Not only that, she also has a beautiful mind and soul. She really set my standard up high."

This is the first time I heard something like this to her.

In the past, She always said she's in love just because she found a cute or good looking guy.

But know, she didn't even mention how the 'girl' looked like.

She mentioned all inner beauty. Except she said she's also a good looking.

Is she still the Irinn I know ?

"So, when can I meet her ?" I ask.

She giggles.

I think I need to see who this girl is. I need to know why she gave this impact to my best friend.

"I will ask her when I go there for my last check-up. She's a little bit busy now because she's helping her best friend to his studio."

Studio ? How come a doctor can help in that place ?

She will gonna cure all the cameras ?

I think doctors only hold scalpel, stethoscope and meds.

"She's a doctor right ?" I ask her to be sure. "how come-"

"I know what you're thinking Becky." she interrupted what I'm about to say. "She's a doctor yes, but she also loves photography." She proudly said. "and she's indeed a good photographer."

"Fine, if that's what you said." I opened the sample magazine from Heng and handed it to her. I want to change our conversation because I know I can't win against her. "See this." I said.

She take it and started to turn the pages.

"It's quite good." she commented while nodding after a while. "Is it the same photographer from last time ? he's good now huh."

"No, he's not. It's a new photographer from dad."

"Oh ! it explains why all the shots are good. Because it's from the best entertainment company." She compliment.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"By the way Becky, I'm here to give you this." she said and handed me a invitation card.

It's an invitation for her birthday.

"I thought you don't want to have a birthday party ?"

She told me last time that she will never celebrate her birthday this year. She just want to spend her birthday with her family and some important persons in her life.

So, I thought she doesn't need a invitation like this.

"Yes, It will be just a simple celebration in the beach. An overnight trip." She's smiling from ear to ear. I can say she's up to something.

"I know that smile Irinn." I hissed "we've been friends for almost fourteen years, so whatever is on your mind now, I'm sure it's not a good one."

She smirk at what I said.

"Just wait and see Rebecca Armstrong. After my birthday, I will have a doctor girlfriend for sure."

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