𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 - ' the first i love you '

Start from the beginning

He was looking away at something, but his hair, his hair was soft, silky, and he almost grow out his own hair. His eyes, his eyes as well, they were pretty, shimmery, quiet, they seemed lost. Like he was questioning things, maybe he was, I mean, there's no way he wouldn't be. I would be confused too, I am. I am confused. I'm confused about myself. I guess, maybe, I could be, in a way, gay? No. Stop it. I'm not. Will looked down at me, locking our eyes, looking deep into mine. Fuck, fuck, fuck. What am I doing? I just want... I just want to kiss him. No! Stop it, Mike Wheeler! Stop it!

My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of loud knocking on the door. I looked up, and so did Will. My heart was pounding in my ears again. Stop. Stop thinking of Will, Jonathan went to open the door. "Five bucks mom forgot something," Will mentioned, Jonathan scoffed, turning the corner, "I'm not taking that bet." Jonathan replied. Will playfully rolled his eyes. Me and Will got up to go see who was at the door. My heart dropped when I realized it was the police. Fuck, are they here for Eleven? "We're here for Jane Hopper." Fuck. Eleven hopped down the steps, looking at the police. She was surprised, but was immediately put in cuffs and carried out to the police car. Everyone followed and Will was close behind and nearly tripped when walking out. Jonathan was arguing with them and wanted to come with them, with Eleven, but they wouldn't let him.

Jonathan turned toward me and Will, "I'm going to go see if we can get Eleven back, see if I can pay off her bill or whatever, do you guys want to go?" He asked, I looked at Will, Will looked at me. He nodded, I nodded slightly as well, I could maybe care less, but she still feels like family, even if I don't love her, she's still family. Argyle came back, driving us to where Eleven was presumed to be, when they told us that she was there but we couldn't see her. Will and Jonathan were pissed, but of course, I'm lost in thought. That's when I realized a van that's driving away, I pointed. They both looked up, knowing that Eleven was there.

We were stopped, we were told to go home. Jonathan listened, he didn't want to get me or Will in trouble. So, we went home. When we got there, there were two guys there. They explained that we were not safe, and that we needed to stay there, and be watched by them, like babies. Will invited me to his room. I was given a letter from Eleven. I sat on Will's bed, staring down at the words "I'll be back to be the superhero you'd like. From, El" I cringed, normally Eleven wrote "Love, El" but she didn't. Will was ranting about what happened, before he paused, "You know, staring at that isn't gonna change what it says." He explained, I looked up at Will, realizing I was giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. You're right." I confessed, looking back down at it and crumbling up the letter and throwing it in the trash. I sighed, Will sat down next to me, sighing as well. Will was quiet, he was thinking deeply, he wanted to say something but he didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry about this morning," I blurted out. Will turned his head toward me, he nodded, "I understand, uhm, could we talk about it, or not?" Will asked. I bit my lip. I couldn't hide forever, I knew I loved Will, but what was I supposed to do? Accept it and be abandoned by everyone else, as well as be disgraced by my own family? Or live a life of lies and not accept my fate? I must have pondered for an eternity. Will grabbed my shoulder lightly, I turned, "What? Oh, uhm. Why not... I mean... When, other than now, y'know?" I asked, agreeing with Will. He smiled lightly.

"I mentioned, the kissing, right? Did it mean anything to you, or not? And please be honest." Will put his hand on the bed, he put it between us. Did that mean anything? No, Mike. He's just trying to get comfortable, stop thinking that way. I looked up at him, we locked eyes, keeping that eye contact between one another. Am I crazy? Maybe for Will, but he said we'd go crazy together. "Will, I..." I paused, Will didn't break the eye contact. I gulped, there was that urge again, that urge to kiss his lips, his soft lips. There was no word vomit, I was finally able to speak what I wanted to, and not what I didn't. I glanced at Will's lips, he was quiet, waiting for an answer. "I can't believe it," I paused again, finding the right words was hard. Difficult. Way too difficult to understand.

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