His uncle and brother just laughed at him when he told them what had happened. Truly it's in times like these that you found out who your true family is. Things has been going great for about two weeks. A-Ying's stomach grew bigger much bigger because of the fact that he is carrying twins. So two weeks later Lan Zhan found himself literally kicked out of bed again but this time he ended on his bum and he hit his on the way down. When he looked over thinking his mate is still in bed but no he was standing next to bed looking like his deep in thought. He looks so quite with his nose all scrunch up and tapping it with his finger lips in a adorable pout.' Could you stop day dreaming and found out why you got us kicked out of bed again'. Wanji told him angrily. 'How should I know'. Lan Zhan said. Before Lan Zhan who is still sitting on the floor could asked a question.
A-Ying moved towards the cupboards and started taking out all of Lan Zhan's robes,his sleeping wear ,cushions and quilts. He came back with it and starting to arrange it on the bed and it click his mate is building a nest he heard read about. A-Ying starts to build his nest almost as if he is in trance. He talks to himself took away here and put some there. He would step back walked around and start all over again. It felt like forever before he was completely satisfied. He finally acknowledged Lan Zhan's presence and will a small smile he asked." Lan Zhan would you sent it for please". To eager to please his mate he stood up and started scenting his mates nest. A-Ying got in and found a comfortable spot and laid down he sniff his nest and told Lan Zhan to scent it more which he gladly did. Lan Zhan also know he can't just get into the nest his mate must give him permission so when his mate was satisfied he smiles and made a satisfied noise. Lan Zhan waited to be given permission but instead his mate said." Thank you. You are the best mate. You can now leave and I don't want you near my nest. Go sleep in the other room". Without a word he turn around and leave. He found himself back in the nursery on the bed mat. ' They kicked us out again. I don't know how you manage to get us kicked out after two blissful weeks but what should I have expected you just know how to ruin my peace'. Wanji complain. ' I don't see you helping or doing anything. So stop complaining I want to sleep'. Lan Zhan retort. ' So you are just going to sleep which we both no is a lie. You can't sleep just like me without our mate by our side'. Wanji shot back. 'I know but what can we do. He must invite us in we can't just barged in'. Lan Zhan said very despondent. ' I know. We just have to be patient I guess'. Wanji answers.
' You are right'. Lan Zhan said and closes his eyes but sleep never came.
The next morning when he woke up he did his morning routine he only saw now that a few of his robes where also place in the room. He dressed and went to the kitchen in the jingshi and starts to prepare breakfast. Once done he ate and had some tea before he went to the door of the sleeping area and softly calls his mates name but no reply came. He left his breakfast on the low table with a warming talisman and left.

He made his way towards his uncle's residence where his uncle and brother were waiting for him to have their usual morning tea before they start with their daily tasks. As soon as he enters his ever observing brother asked him." A-Zhan is everything fine. You look tired is it A-Ying does he have difficulty sleeping". " Last night A-Ying kicked me out of bed and our bedroom again". He said with a sad voice. Did they feel any sympathy for him. His traitorous brother were smiling and his uncle looked smug before he asked." Why did something happen? Did you do something?". Really what do they think of him. He almost had the nerve to stand up and walked out. Family my ass. " No I did not do anything. How could I when I was fast asleep before getting kicked out. A-Ying decided to build a nest. He asked me to scent it and then he kicked me out". Eyes still sad. He still can't believe that his A-Ying can be so cruel to him. His own mate the one he so eagerly proclaimed his love for. Xichen tried hard not to laugh from behind his sleeve. Shame he feel for his baby brother but his nephews health and safety comes first. " A-Zhan do not worry he will probably soon invite you into his nest". He said to sooth his brother. Lan Zhan just nods his head as he finished his tea. When they were done they all went to perform their daily duties. Lan Zhan were busy taking the disciples through their sword forms when he smell his mates scent. He turns around and there his mate is walking towards him not as fast but Lan Zhan could see that he is still sleepy and that's not all his mate is still in his sleeping robes. Lan Zhan turn around quickly took of his outer robes in one sweep as soon as he got close to him. His mate stretched his arms out and with no difficulty he picked him up and made his way to the jingshi. The disciples were left mouth agape. They knew that A-Ying is a beautiful omega but him being pregnant and that natural glow around him. He is dead gorgeous now. They know to keep that thoughts to themselves not if they want to deal with the second young master. Back in the jingshi he saw that his mate haven't eaten yet. So he sat down with his mate on his lap. "A-Ying you have to eat something ". He said. " Can you feed me please ". He said with a small voice and his mate comply. He fed him and when A-Ying said he had enough Lan Zhan stop." Is there anything A-Ying wants me to do for him". He asked softly. " Could we go to the bunny field for a little while. I miss them". He said looking at his husband with those big grey eyes and who is Lan Zhan but a man who can't deny is beloved anything. He stood up walked towards the sleeping area but before he enters he looked at his mate who nods his head giving him permission to enter.
He sat him down on the bed making sure that he does not in anyway disturb the nest. He took out robes and quickly dresses his husband and then they made their way towards the bunny field.

When they arrived he put him down gently before he sat down. He took out some carrots out of sleeve of his robes hands A-Ying some and then they started to feed the rabbits who had made their way over to them. They sat in silence not long both were caressing the two bunnies that made their way up to their laps. A-Ying bit his lower lip as he looks at his mate. "Lan Zhan I know I'm a bit much. It's just I don't know why I am like this. The one moment I want you close to me and the next I don't know I just can not stand being near you. I love you ,you know. I love all of you and our pups so much and I don't want to lose anyone of you". He said as tears rolls down his face. Damn hormones. " A-Ying I know. I can not say I understand what you are going through because I'm not the one who is pregnant. I will always be there whenever you need me". He put the bunny down and took the one of A-Ying as well before he gently pulled him towards him and then lift him up his lap. "I love you more. You and the pups and if it means I have to be uncomfortable so that you can be comfortable then I do with all my heart". He place soft kisses on the top of his head,on his forehead just above his forehead ribbon,on his one cheek then the other,on his nose and lastly on his lips. He deepen the kiss as A-Ying opened his mouth and then kissed him passionately until they both had to come up for air. "What did I do to deserve someone like you. I am so lucky to have such a understanding mate".A-Ying after he catches his breath." No I am the lucky one". Lan Zhan said and A-Ying just laughs.
That night Lan Zhan was given permission by his mate to enter the nest but not before he scented it real good. They made love that night softly and passionately and fell asleep after Lan Zhan cleaned them in each other's arms.

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