"Peace offering. Family is important and I want us to get along."

"Because it's important to Demi."

"Because it's important to me."


"Demi and I will have kids one day. You will be their aunt. I need you to like me so I can dump them on you when they get too much."

"You will willingly leave your future kids with me?"

"No. But, it's the thought that counts."

Lux should not smile, but she does. It's clear to see that Shawn is hopelessly in love with Demi. She does not know why she likes Shawn, but she does. Maybe it's because he seems to have a strong loyal streak. "Ok, truce," Lux says putting her hand out and shaking Shawns. "Classy, " Lux says to her grandmother as she points to her wine glass. "Realistic," her grandmother says pointing to her wine bottle. They all turn when they hear screams and then watch as Demi and her girls make fools of themselves while they sing some shitty Madonna song. Shawn's face lights up and it looks like he is going to melt with pride. Ridiculous.

Lux finds an empty table while a few of her cousins are murdering a song and to her absolute delight it fills up with Harry, Pete, Dre then Petra, Hailey, and Jessica followed by Demi and Shawn, and eventually Austin pulls up a chair. They are loud and constantly laughing, and by the time Austin's parents try their hand at a mushy love song the table is full of empty beer bottles and a few of Lux's wine glasses. "Oh, Austin!" Lux's grandmother shouts as she heads to their table with three of Lux's great-aunts in tow. "I just wanted to show my sisters this gorgeous face. Is he not just the most adorable man you have ever seen?!" Lux's grandmother says squishing his face while Lux's great aunts coo, stroking his hair or beard. "Hello ladies," Austin chuckles, standing and hugging them each while they giggle like school girls when he sets his baby blues on him. "He is so fucking hot," she hears Hailey whisper to Jessica. "Do you have a fucking death wish? Don't say that near Lux," Jessica hisses. It's the first time Lux has heard Jessica speak and what the fuck?

Demi and Shawn get up to get another round at the bar as Austin sits down again waiving off Harry and Dre who drag him. "Ladies love me. What can I say?" Austin says chuckling again. "It's not what you would say, it's what your wife would say," Lux mumbles into her glass of wine.  Austin screws his face up and looks at her like she is mental. "I am not married," Austin says with a hint of anger. Harry laughs first and then Pete and Dre start laughing. "I think she is talking about she who will not be named," Harry says between his laughing. "Oh, fuck!" Austin says suddenly then joins the rest of the boys with a laugh but it seems fake. "We were drunk and got married at a drive-thru. We annulled it, alcohol-related choices...what can you do?" Austin says then receives a first pump from Pete as the bridesmaids start to giggle. "Immature," Lux mumbles into her wine glass again. Austin turns to face her, draping one arm over the back of her chair then leans in, his lips close to her ear. "Hurt," he whispers, his warm breath sending shivers down her spine before he leans back and gives her a pointed look.

"Austin! I know you said you would never. But, we had to!" Demi comes running up to the table grabbing his hands. "What did you do, Demi?" Austin asks trying to take back his hands. "We signed you up for karaoke. You are the next song. Come on," Shawn says coming up behind Demi and grabbing his arm. "No. I said no, man," Austin protests leaning away from them so he is pushed up against Lux. "Get off me," Lux says pushing him forward. The rest of the boys jump up and help with pulling Austin up as he continues to protest. Eventually, the rest of the bar starts cheering and encouraging him to go on. "Just fucking go and get it over with. Stop being so spineless," Lux says taking another sip of her wine. Austin throws her a dirty look but then relents.

Demi plonks herself down on Austin's seat and squeals. "You are going to love his voice. He is amazing!" she says. Lux looks around then frowns at Demi.

"You talking to me?"

"Yes, silly. Ooh, ooh, quiet. Here he comes," she says. She is way too excited. Austin walks up onto the small stage and stands in front of the mic. He looks awkward and uncomfortable. Lux sits up straighter and a smile creeps onto her face - turns out this night has taken a turn for the best. She gets to watch Austin make a fool of himself on stage. She is fucking winning right now. The music starts and Austin stands there like an idiot, he opens his mouth and misses the start of the first line and it looks like he gets cold feet. Now he is just standing there watching the words as the bar goes into a soft sympathetic hum. Lux has to cover her mouth when she sniggers. This is the best thing that has happened all day.

Austin turns and walks up to the DJ and starts talking to him. The big baby. It's fantastic! The DJ turns off the music and the bar turns into a sea of boos, Lux joins in of course. The DJ hands Austin a guitar and then he walks back to the mic. The bar quietens again when he lifts his hand. "I suck at karaoke...but I can play one song, so..." he says then puts the strap of the guitar over his head, resting it on his shoulder then let out a shaky breath. "Sorry, I am not great at this," he says. The bar breaks out into cheers of enthusiasm, Lux does not join in on that.

He checks the guitar and starts strumming softly. Ok, so he can play the guitar. So what?  Then he starts singing. Lux sits back in her chair and stares at him while the three bridesmaids squeal and hold hands. "He is amazing," Petra gushes. Lux however is frozen and can't take her eyes off Austin as he continues to sing. Better Man by Pearl Jam. It's her favorite song, he knows that. She did not know he could sing - not like that. The bar has gone silent while he sings, they are all captivated and Lux can feel a lump form in her throat. "He is good, huh?" Shawn says leaning over Demi. Lux does not look at him when she holds up one finger to keep him quiet while her eyes remain fixed on Austin.


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