I look at Lily and see her start to breath weird again. Oh please no. Please don't do this to me.

I run over to her and guide her to the couch. She's starts crying heavily and I start to panic.

"Please breath Lily. Please." I'm totally freaking out by the point. I'm begging her, and I'm hoping it will work.

I think about calling Kole, but I don't want to ruin their date. That's not fair to them. Then again, I wouldn't want him to hate me if his sister were to sufficate herself to death. Then i remember what Kole did at the restaurant. I know I have to be calm to help her calm down though, so I take a deep breath and kneel in front of her.

I grab her hand and put it to her chest.

"It's okay Lily. I'm here. It's going to be okay. Whatever they said to you, we'll figure it out. We'll all figure it out, together. You're not alone. I'm right here. Please just breath." She starts to calm own some. but it's still not enough.

I sit on the couch and pull her into my lap. I hold her close to me and start stroking her hair.

"Please calm down Lily." I feel her relax under me and hear her breathing start going back to normal. "That's good Lily. Keep breathing. Deep breaths." She does as I say and in a matter of 2 minutes, she's back to normal.

I don't know why I feel so protective over her, but I do. And I know I would do anything for her. Sitting here, with her in my arms and her tears on my shirt, I know I would do literally anything for her. I know I want to be with her. And I know I want to take things slow. I want to be here for her.

But I don't want to put anything extra on her until we can figure this situation out with our parents.

wc: 341

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