First Impression

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A hotel in Hawaii,United States

Several luxury car park along the hotel entrance, carrying the US diplomatic corps and Ander,along with his escorts. No other tourism could be seen in eyesights, since the whole place was rented by the US Government for this diplomatic mission.

Clearly,they don't know the manner of the Oseans, the only information source they have came from the meeting between two carrier fleets.

The Osean Federation is democracy, lucky for them, since this would make talking become easier, and they are also very open, just like the Americans. By that thinking, they has prepared the best accommodation for this meeting. The American diplomats don't want to displease the Osean counterparts,at least until the fog of information is clear:

"So,this is the hotel,it look so beautiful,even to our standard."

Unlike many president, Ander have no interest at staying in hotel, especially at a luxury one like this, so he doesn't know how developed the Osean's hotel are, even when this hotel is only 3 star, since the US doesn't have much time to prepare. To him,3 star and 5 star are the same, Ander just say this to warmer the atmosphere. But one US diplomat-one of Howard's close friend-immediately takes the advantage and said:

"The United States have hundred of hotels like this and many are even better, we would like you to travel to our country one day, not for diplomatic, but for holiday. And perhap we could visit the hotels in your country to."

"I shall consider that as an invitation, hope that day would soon to come"-Ander said to the US diplomat

"Enough talking out here, we should get inside the hotel"-Howard told them-"I will guide you to the rooms."

After leading the Osean president and the diplomatic corps to their room, Howard come back to his college, who was waiting at the lobby, drinking a cola bottle. Right when seeing Howard,he throws him another bottle:

"How do you see them?"

"Fine, I guess"-Howard open the bottle and take a sip-"A superpower, with overwhelm military strength, what is even the thing that we saw at the airport? Arsenal Bird? They could directly change the polar of world power, who send this country to Earth? But they thinking are much like us the Americans, so much that if two country merged into one, nothing would change. I think that's why we can talk so easy."

"Glad that you think like that"

Heading to the voice's source from behind, both turn around and stunning upon seeing the Osean president, who carrying yet another cola bottle. His face remain the same as alway, but Howard feared that they have displease him. When he's about to apology,his college ran to Ander.

"Mr.Ander, I'm also glad that you like that drink, too. You can alway buy it at any supermarket in the US, or at the vending machines. If you like them, I can buy several more for you"

"Thank you,I would like some more please"

After his friend run away, Howard realize that only him and Ander left, standing side by side with one of the most powerful figure on earth right now, he felt a little bit stress. Unlike the other diplomat, Howard is a strict person, he cannot allow himself to be as open as him, he alway knew that his friend is a better ambassador, if not for the fact that he's not really interest in promotion. In this situation, he should be the one who left.

"Don't be that stressful, it's not a good impression,especially for us Osean, just be like that man"-Ander cut the US diplomat from his thought when mentioning about his friend.

"Ah, I'm sorry, he's special, I can't be like him. Let say if you talk to a more powerful nation, can you act like that? We have to be careful, your country certainly is a superpower"

"Leaving that aside, do you want to tell me something? About your country of course"

Talking private is a good card, since you can said anything and agree for something without anyone else disagreement, which can be announce it later in official meeting, when everything is already settle. But sometimes, it can cause some conflict between two people, directly impact the progress, both have to be caution to not disappoint the other side.

"The US"-Howard chosen his words-"We have a long history of war, we was born from war, developed on war, causing war, but we changed a lot to have a more peaceful approach to our world, we still cause conflicts, to be honest, many"-he paused a bit-"But all for the people' rights, you and your people the Oseans may not forgive us and cease this relationship, but do not think wrong about us, all thing we show you tomorrow is all true, at least on our point of view"


Ander look down, thinking. This confession is also planned, sooner or later, and Howard did it all right. A clear view of United States must be given, otherwise Osea may feel betrayed by the US when they found out the truth. They indeed desperate need for influence, but they can't risk Osean trust. The United States cannot fight the Osean Federation in any front, for now.

"You could've lied, but you didn't"-Ander speaks-"An honest act, I must say. I understand that no power can be a perfect nation, and that too, happened to the Osean Federation. We caused chaos and destruction in our old world as well, but we, just like the US, are trying our best to come out with a peaceful solution for everything. The Arsenal Bird that you saw earlier is a symbol of peace, created to protect the ISEV from being attacked. You might be surprise, but that's the truth"

"I see. Thank you for understanding us, not many nation in our world really trust the United States. Even that you are from a strange world, you believes us. Thank you again,sir"

The next day

The representatives from both nations watching other history through the large TV in the main hall of Foreign Service headquarter. All thing from Earth's history, including the development of humanity, world wars, some US major conflicts, war crimes, technical advancements,...all show for the Oseans. On the opposite side, Osea also choose to display all os their history, from the First Belkan War to the recent war with Yutobania, a large aircraft Arkbird fallen from the sky, giant submarines Scinfaxi and Hcinfaxi that dwarf the Russian's Typhoon-class,... proved the advance of Osean and Strangereal technical. From this moment, history classes around the world would be vastly different, but for now, the US already have things to think about.

"Your history is very interesting, and definitely similar to Earth. The laser tower name Excalibur can be traced back to English mythology, about king Arthur, let me tell you about that later. Some Norse mythology name here like Scinfaxi and Hcinfaxi, uhh, the horses that carry sun and moon, right?"

"Certainly, I'm also surprise, the Cold war is like our counterpart, but Yutobania didn't being splitted up like Soviet Union,and Erusia have many thing name like your earth's France. But the most noticeable thing is that many of our weapon shared same design and some even have same name"-an Osean said his conclusion

"I guess I can safely say that we are on the same boat now, let's discuss the relationship treaty"

"Thank you,we have been waiting for this since the transference"

The treaty soon follow to be signed:

-United States will respect Osean Federation's land,sea and aerial territory
-United States's ship and can go bypass through Osean Federation's water if they provide legal circumstances
-Osean Federation's Arsenal Birds could still fly in intended range, friendly status will be given to all US's vehicles and buildings
-Osean Federation will respect United States territory and its allies
-Allies of United States would be informed about the treaty and follow an unofficial treaty with terms similar to the treaty signed with the United States until an official treaty can be signed.
- Establishment of international airline and ship lane would be commence in North Osea and Hawaii
-The ratio of exchange between Osean zollar and US dollar would be 1:1
-United States and Osean Federation would establish trading relationship
-The treaty would become effective in 23/7/2023

Far away from Hawaii, at the city of Moscow, under the Kremlin's shiny tower, many top heads of two country: one with three stripe, Russia, and one with five golden star, China, are sitting around a long table.

"Alright, gentlemen, we were aware that a new continent had appear in the Pacific, along with a civilized country"-one man in black vest said-"Or you might say, aliens had invaded our world."

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