Phoenix Wonderland!

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When the trio arrived at PXL, They immediately went to find Tsukasa. They found him easily, luckily. "Hello! You are Tsukasa Tenma, right? If so, we have some questions for you!!!" Minori exclaimed when they found him. "Uh, Yes! I am Tsukasa Tenma! What might you have to ask me?" Tsukasa asked. "Do you know where Saki Tenma is? We have some questions we'd like to ask her!" Minori exclaimed. "Saki? She's having band practice I think. I don't know where she has band practice, though." Tsukasa said. "Oh, ok! Thanks!" Minori said. The three girls then ran off to try and find Saki.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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