An Abnormal School Day

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Minori walked into class to be greeted by people saying the same things of "I wonder where those girls went...". "Hello Everyone!" Minori said cheerfully. "Oh! Hello Minori!" Kohane said. "Hi Kohane!" Minori said. "Hello everyone, let's start class now." The teacher said. Everything was a normal day but there was a very strange atmosphere of negativity. Lunchtime came around and Minori invited Kohane to eat lunch with her to which Kohane excepted. "Okay, so, Kohane can I ask you something?" Minori said to Kohane. "Uhm, sure. What is it?" Kohane replied. "Well, do you wanna go on a mission to save everyone with me?" Minori asked Kohane. "Uh... Uhm... I... Uhhhh..." Kohane said as she contemplated weather she should go or not. "You don't have to answer yet. I'm not planning to start my mission until tomorrow." Minori said calmly. "Ok, good, I need some time to think about the offer." Kohane said. "Ok- Oh no! We've gotta get to class! We're gonna be late!" Minori exclaimed. "A-Ah!" Kohane yelped worriedly. They ran to their classes and everything was the same for the rest of the school day.

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