"Ah, I just said maybe '...' can accompany you to groceries tonight since you needed me to come but I have a couple of calls I need to make," Sora's sensing the tension between the both of you for days now and she's sending Jungkook a pointed look that says he cannot decline.

She doesn't know what happened nor does she care but she does not want any negative energy around her daughter, whatever it is she wants you both to reconcile which is why she and Jungkook had an argument about last night.

"You're having trouble with '...' now? God do you just ruin everything you come near? Fix it! I don't want it to be awkward when we're all together next time,"

"That's not-"

"I don't care, she's important to Bora at least that much should make you want to fix things, if not for me for your daughter." And she's closing the door to his study shut with a loud bang.

"I should be good—" He's interrupted

"Great get going now because I'm leaving at 8 anyways."


Your cruising ahead of him through the aisles, usually they have the maid do the grocery but she took a leave of absence for vacation. It was quiet on the ride there and quiet now that you are almost halfway through the list dumping things into the cart he pushes. You don't look angry but your actions say otherwise, barely talking barely acknowledging him. He's getting irritated but he can't lash out at you for a second time because this is what he's asked for—this is what he's caused.

Your cashing out and loading the groceries into the back of Jungkook's car now, slowly you place items and Jungkook holds up a hand making you get into the car and you do, barely giving him a glance when you're buckling yourself in and pulling out your phone.

When Jungkook's back he's suddenly reminded why he never should've let you get that close to him on the trip, all this awkwardness was the consequences of his actions and words.

"Look, '..' im sorry for whatever awkwardness I caused between us and I never....I never should've raised my voice at you last time," he lets it all go in one breath taking a peak when you shut your phone off and place it onto your lap.

You're quiet for a moment.

"It's okay I probably overstepped my boundaries, I never should've cared as much as I did. It won't happen again." You shrug.


He could tell that you were half petty and apologizing to spite him but that is what he's asked for that's why he got mad in the first place because you cared too much about him. He wished you'd take that back because all Jungkook ever wants was for someone to take care of him, care for him. He quite actually misses when you'd bring him dinner to his office, constantly check in on him or send him messages to not starve or overwork himself.

He never knew how much he appreciated you until you were gone.

No more dinner, no more texts, barely a glance when you'd come over.

He was already cold towards you before but he always drew a line, settling for cold gazes and dismissal behaviour. Jungkook wasn't in touch with his emotions he never stops to think for himself always worried about work, he guesses this is why his marriage never worked out with Sora either he wasn't in touch with any type of emotions. always striving to do better but he realizes that he's never actually taken the time to enjoy what he likes or do simple things like enjoy his morning coffee, or indulge in his favourite books in a very, very, long time.

It was crunch time ever since high school, graduate>get into a top university>get the best grades>land an internship>graduated>start a business> succeed>have kids> and make his first million. He's always been in go mode, always achieving the next thing until he'd eventually reach>death. It scares him how much he hasn't taken time for himself, to take care of himself. Yes he goes to the gym yes he takes care of his child and he occasionally goes golfing but it's always stemmed from a place of things HE NEEDS to do and not want to. He loves Bora, he loves Sora although they aren't together anymore he made it work for Bora he didn't want to co-parents to confuse her the idea was just not for him.

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