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In the deep dark woods, a group of mens were seen digging a whole with a dead bloodied  body laying right behind them

"He got in the way, he shouldn't have, all he had to do was tell us where his uncle was but didn't" one of them gruffly said

Another scoffed "pabo now how will we get the money if the boy dead"

The same guy rolls his eyes "whatever just dump the body in the hole and run"
Being said they harshly grabbed the linp body and threw it in the hole and ran back to their headquarters

A few seconds later footsteps where heard running to the whole as rain started to pour

"NOOO, NOO PLEASE" the guy cried for his best friend "PLEASE WAKE UP" he sobbed as he tried to recover the body but sadly he knew it was too late

He sighed "I'll let the school know of your death but your brother, he will never know he doesn't deserve to know" he grumbles as he stood

Then he looked down "I hope you rest in peace and when its time, I hope you get the power to haunt those who hurt you, those loan sharks will pay" ohm stares towards the direction the loan sharks went in determination

Then he sighed "sorry friend, I would dig up your body for a proper burial but I heard that it was bad luck but I promise to make this place tidy for you" he took a deep breath "thanks for being my only friend, I hope you have a nice afterlife chay" he smiles then he walked off not noticing a glowing light shining above the hole


How's that for a first chapter huh, this will be a short story, yes its a little eerie but I hope you enjoy

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