Will Smith

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It was the middle of summer, you and some friends decided to rent a beach house to celebrate graduating, you had been having trouble sleeping the past few nights, mostly because you didn't know where any of the girls went, the boys were staying a ...

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It was the middle of summer, you and some friends decided to rent a beach house to celebrate graduating, you had been having trouble sleeping the past few nights, mostly because you didn't know where any of the girls went, the boys were staying a few houses down and figured they were there or at the boardwalk, but it was hard to sleep when they would come home in the night. It was your third sleepless night and you couldn't take it anymore, you knew where they would be, they specifically told you, but you still couldn't sleep. You rolled over in bed seeing the time was 12:30 am, you figured your boyfriend wouldn't be up but you texted him anyway.

Will, I can't sleep, can you come over? Within seconds he was typing a response.

Of course, I'll be there in 5. You left your room and sat on the couch in the living room waiting for him to arrive. You heard the knock on the door and opened it to see Will standing with a blanket, pillow, and an extra shirt.

"Oh baby, you look exhausted," he said stepping in. He slipped his shoes off and guided you to the couch.

"Trust me I am," you said groggily.

"Lay down," he said putting a pillow at the end, you followed his instruction. Will draped a blanket over you and it was already working, you were starting to feel better. He moved closer to you, letting your legs rest in his lap. He rubbed your back as you turned sideways to get more comfortable.

"Thank you, Willy," you smiled looking back at him. He leaned over and kissed you on the cheek.

"You're welcome, now close your eyes and get some sleep love," you closed your eyelids which were already feeling much heavier. You can't quite remember when you fell asleep but when you woke up, you were back in your bed and Will was right there next to you. His arm was warm on your stomach. You looked at the time seeing it was almost 11, you slept soundly for that long, it was a shock to you. You turned over to face Will, he was still asleep. You attempted to wiggle your way out of his grip, but he pulled you closer as his eyes snapped open.

"Good morning beautiful, did you sleep okay?" he said softly.

"I couldn't have slept better, what time did I fall asleep?" you asked as he let go, letting you sit up and stretch.

"Literally two minutes after I got here," he laughed still laying down next to you.

"Aww really I'm sorry," you laughed.

"Don't apologize, you needed help falling asleep, and it worked, you were out cold and I carried you to your bed," he smiled, sitting up next to you.


"Yeah, then I went to the living room just to make sure everything was okay in front and the girls came back and were being loud so I told them to be quiet cause you needed to sleep."

"Yeah... maybe that's why I'm not sleeping," you laughed again.

"Then I saw it was like two so I was like I'll just stay to make sure you're alright, then I fell asleep." Will loved to talk, he caught you up on an entire night you missed while sleeping, and you weren't paying full attention because you thought he was so cute in the morning, his messy hair, sleepy eyes, and maybe him not wearing a shirt due to heat didn't help.

"Well, I can tell you now that you are like human melatonin," you blushed.

"I think you just wanted me here with you," he grinned.

"Maybe," you shrugged.

"You're cute when you sleep, except for your snoring," he teased.

"I do not snore," you put your hands on your hips.

"Okay whatever you say," he laughed. You ruffled his hair "messing it up" teasing him back. He tried to get your hands off his hair, but you fought back.

"Hey," you shouted as he shoved you, causing you to fall back into bed.

"What?" he said laying down next to you. You looked into his pretty eyes which always pulled you in.

"Nothin," you said getting closer to him.

"Nothin," he copied.

"Nothin," you said once again. He leaned in and placed a kiss on your lips, pulling you even closer to him if it was possible. Your hands found his hair once again as your lips locked, you slowly moved your fingers through his curls, forgetting about all the stress and worry you had on this vacation. 

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