Adam Fantilli

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You were seated at the draft waiting for it to start

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You were seated at the draft waiting for it to start. You were sitting with your boyfriend's family with him at your side, talking to him and his brother when you felt your phone buzz in your purse. It was your brother calling to Facetime,

"Oh boy, what does he want?" your boyfriend Adam teased. You rolled your eyes and picked up.

"Hey Rut," you said.

"Hey sis, hey Luca, Adam," he said.

"Rutger." Adam answered sternly.

"Lookin sharp fellas," he smirked.

"What's up bro?" you asked, he knew you were here so why would he call you.

"Just wanted to remind you that you aren't going to Anaheim with Adam and you are stuck at Mich with me and Luca," he flashed an annoying smile that you wanted to slap off his face.

"I'm not a little girl anymore you can't boss me around," you sassed him.

"Mom and Dad said I have to look out for you while I can so, you are stuck at Mich," he snapped back.

"Can I say something," Adam asked.

"Go ahead babe," you smiled causing Rutger to gag through the phone.

"I really don't think I'm going there, I don't care if I'm not second, I just think I'm going to Columbus," your boyfriend shrugged.

"Is Columbus okay Dad?" you groaned to your brother on the phone.

"Shut up Y/N, I'm not trying to sound like a parent, as your older brother-" you cut him off.

"Older by two minutes," you rolled your eyes.

"Still older, anyways I have to look after you," he smiled, "and Adam it's not you it's her, have fun in Anaheim buddy." With that last part, you hung up on him and put your phone back in your purse, you felt it buzz again but you ignored it.

"He's so annoying sometimes," you laughed. Adam's face was serious though, he sat there looking straight ahead not even cracking a smile at what you said. You turned to look at Luca who was as confused as you are.

"Adam?" Luca said, no response.

"Adam? What's wrong?" you said resting your hand on his. His fingers locked with yours as he looked over at you.

"I don't want to go to Anaheim, I don't want to leave you, I don't think we can do that long of a distance, at least I'm only a 4-hour drive away rather than a 4-hour flight," he said as he broke eye contact with you.

"Adam you don't seriously think I'm gonna listen to my brother," you said.

"You won't, but you should, you have to finish school, look babe this will be a new experience for both of us, but whatever happens I will always try my best to be there for you and make time for you and you know that I love you," he said looking back up and taking your other hand.


"No buts, whether Anaheim or Columbus I will make time for you, it will be hard on us, but worth it in the end," he kissed your cheek and let go of your hands facing back forward as the draft was starting. You looked back at your phone to see several messages from Rutger.

Sis, I'm sorry

Sis pick up

Fine don't pick up whatever hope he ends up in Anaheim

I didn't mean that, I mean I did

Fine ignore me stay mad

Draft is about to start...

You read through the stream of messages laughing at your brother. You smiled leaving your phone out in your lap so you could see more of Rutger's commentary. You patiently waited as the first pick was announced, no surprise that it was Connor. Anaheim was on the clock and you were getting nervous, you felt your phone buzz in your lap and looked down.

Why are they taking so long it's obvious who they should pick. You were getting even more nervous, then you saw the pick was in. You and Adam looked at each other squeezing hands tightly, you looked over at Luca who had a little bounce in his leg.

"We are proud to select from the SHL Leo Carlsson," with that announcement you let out the biggest sigh of relief, you and the Fantilli boys exchanged smiles. You put your phone back in your purse not wanting to deal with Rutger's response, knowing him he was definitely upset, but you would rub it in his face when you got home. Quickly the third pick was put in place by Columbus. All three of you had smiles on your face as the team approached the stage.

"The Columbus Blue Jackets are proud to select from University of Michigan, Adam Fantilli." As the applause began you stood up with tears starting to form in your eyes, you were so proud of your boy. You held Adam tightly,

"I love you so much," you whispered in his ear as he was letting go,

"I love you too," he said as he made his way to his brother, he continued to his parents then went and approached the stage. You couldn't pull yourself together, Luca rubbed your back as you wiped the tears from your face and the running mascara. Once that was over with you looked at your phone and saw more messages waiting from your brother.

C'mon pick Smith pick Smith


Stop crying you got what you wanted, yeah you're crying on TV 🫥

Whatever congrats Adam, you still aren't going to Columbus

They had one job

You showed Luca the messages causing him to chuckle, the two of you tried to come up with a clever response, but you couldn't wait to rub it in your brother's face.



He hated that nickname you made for him, you knew he would be mad, but he wasn't he was smiling at his phone from wherever he was watching knowing that his "little sister" was the happiest she had ever been.

The rest of the day was boring until you got to see Adam again. You made your way with the Fantillis to where he was waiting for you. He hugged his parents once again, then Luca, and lastly you. Adam scooped you up and spun you around, as you cheered.

"You knew it, Adam, you really did,"

"Just a gut feeling," he said putting you down but keeping his arm around your waist still keeping you close. The two of you sat down in the box you were in, while everyone else was busy talking.

"You sure I can't come to Columbus with you?"

"One day Y/N," he smiled as he pressed a kiss to your lips,

"One day," you said taking a breath of air before your lips found his again.


I'm so happy he's on the jackets 

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