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┏━━━━ • ✿ • ━━━━┓Chapter ThreeA Hero is Born 3┗━━━━ • ✿ • ━━━━┛

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Chapter Three
A Hero is Born 3
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❝Hmm! Mhm!❞

MK GROANED AS HE FELT someone poke his face with a stick. He opened his eyes to see a monkey looking down at him with curiosity. Mk was confused as he just stared at the monkey which made the little animal sigh before a group of monkeys joined their friend with sparkling eyes. Before Mk could react, the group of monkeys attacked him.


You were playing with a monkey, running around with it while humming happily. You managed to catch the monkey, giving it a hug. Another monkey jumped on your shoulder and nuzzled your cheek, making you giggle and then pet its head. You woke up and found yourself on a beach with a monkey looking down at you. You didn't think much and just went to play with the little creature, completely ignoring your passed out brother. Suddenly, the other monkeys ran past you and the two you were playing with also escaped. You let out a whine as the monkeys ran away.

Just then, Mk jumped in front of you and held your shoulders, "Y/N! I'm so glad you're fine! I was worried!" He exclaimed with panic, pulling you in a hug. You froze for a moment before hugging him back, "Hmm!" You hummed as the two of you pulled away. Mk gave you a smile before holding your hand, "Come on, Y/N. We must look for Monkey King." You nodded and you two proceeded to walk deeper into the forest. However, you came face to face with a very big mountain. Mk dropped down on his knees and started to dramatically cry, "This will take so long!"

He then felt himself being picked up, finding himself on your back. You turned around with a look of determination then nodded your head once. Mk didn't understand what was actually happening until you jumped high up on the rocks of the mountain with your brother screaming like a girl. Eventually you made it to the top in no time and without wasting energy. Before you and Mk, there was a beautiful waterfall surrounded by the forest and a few monkeys playing around. Mk let out a gasp of awe before pointing forward at the fall, "Go there Y/N." He instructed and you nodded.

You jumped on the rocks peeking out of the water before standing close to the fall. Mk extended his arm out a few inches away from the fall and something happened. Golden marks appeared and the waterfall opened like curtains, revealing a cave. Without wasting time, you proceeded to walk into the cave with Mk still on your back. "Hello! Hello!" Called Mk as you walked through the cave. Eventually, you two were face to face with a wall that had drawings of people on it.

"Hey! That's the Monkey King!" Mk pointed out.

You could hear Mk let out a sound of awe while you kept gazing at the people, one of them looked like Pigsy and another one looked a bit like Sandy. This actually reminded you of how your father and Tanjiro looked alike. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard Mk yell, "What? Uhh! What's happening? What's uhhh! What's wrong with my eyes!?" You looked around and saw that his eyes were bright gold. You put him down and stared at him with concern, "Mhm! Hmm!" Upon hearing your voice, Mk looked at you with sympathy after noticing that he had worried.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. It's just I'm seeing-..." Mk stopped when he saw that you had one horn coming out of your forehead with cracks around your eye and weird plants marks around your body. He was going to ask, but he got distracted by the other images, "Woah! That's Monkey King when he was born from a stone. And when he got his staff from the Dragon of the East. Woah!"

You were confused and didn't understand what he was talking about, you can see nothing at all. Mk then turned around and he appeared to be surprised, "Monkey King? Hey! Wait up! Monkey King!" He exclaimed and ran to the other direction. You were still puzzled since you didn't see Monkey King around at all yet you followed after your brother to ensure his safety. Once you reached Mk, you saw him sitting down with disappointment, "Ugh! What was I thinking? For a moment there I though. Hhhh! Mr. Tang was right. I really am delusional." He said as if giving up.

You had a look of sadness and placed your hand on his head, giving him a pet. Mk forced a small smile as he looked at you, "Thanks Y/N, you're really the best sister." You hummed happily with your eyes closed, indicating that you were smiling. Just then, the same butterfly from before landed on Mk's arm.


The butterfly spoke, making Mk jump away with fear. The butterfly landed down on the ground and smiled, "Yes yes! It is I, the Monkey Kin-..." Before it can finish its sentence, you quickly stepped on it. Mk quickly pulled you away before you could kill the butterfly, "Wait Y/N, move away!" You did as you were told and stepped away to show the squished butterfly, "Is it dead? Ohhh." Mk asked with concern before the butterfly glowed and turned into different animals and eventually revealed itself as the one and only Monkey King.

"M-M-Monkey King?"

"Yep! The one and only. So, where's my staff?"

Mk then bursted into teare as he explained what had happened to him. You decided to block their conversation and explore the place to your heart's content. You found some junk and looked through it, finding a bag of peach chips. You looked at the symbol of peach with curiosity as a memory of you and Zenitsu having a picnic in the peach field flashed in your head, it was such a sweet memory. You snapped out of your thoughts when the bag was pulled from your hands, "Thanks Peaches, I was looking for this!" You looked up and saw that Monkey King was the one talking to you.

You shrugged your shoulders and decided to ignore him. Your pink eyes landed on a monkey waving at you, it was the same one you played with. You hummed and ran to it, pulling it in a hug. The monkey hugged backbas it let out sounds of happiness. Mk then ran to you and grabbed your hand, "Come on, Y/N! Let's get the staff back!" Mk exclaimed and ran out of the cave. You sighed and waved at the little monkey and Monkey King. However, you didn't notice that Monkey King was looking at you with a blush.

He huffed and covered his face, "Why does she have to be cute? It's unfair!"

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