'I'm sure that's not all he could do for you with his wand' - Chapter Twelve

Start from the beginning

"What, no, shut-up." She turned away from me defensively.

"Oh my gosh, Rachel. You seriously like this guy, why not just go out with him or something?"

"Jess, we've already discussed this, he's not my type and even if he was, he's not well-behaved enough for me. I can't have a boyfriend who messes about in school or doesn't keep up to date with schoolwork, I just can't."

"Rach, I think you need to let it go. For all you know this could be the guy you're meant to marry and your just letting him get away from you because he's handed in his homework late a few times."

"I'm seventeen Jess, I don't think I'm ever going to marry him. High school relationships never lead to anything."

"How do you know if you've never tried?" I reminded her. "I'm sixteen and if I found a guy I really liked then I'd go for it straight away."

"Why haven't you then?"

"I need to find a guy first." I said while wondering what the hell she was on about.

"Jess, don't you mean you need to choose a guy? I don't think it's the finding that's the problem." What?

"Why, are you being so cryptic? What are you talking about?"

"I think you know," she winked. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going back to sleep." And without another word she put her head down on her pillow; leaving me sitting on her bed - perplexed.


"What did I think? I thought she was absolutely off her head!" I laughed. It was near the end of my meeting with Matthew and after the formalities of religion were over and done with, we'd started discussing the previous day's events.

"I don't want to say anything bad about her but she is mental." I was glad to find that Matthew shared in my distaste of Felicities behaviour.

"You can say that again. I honestly don't understand why she has any friends, let alone why she's so popular."

"She's not as bad when you get to know her, but I admit that she does have her moments."

"She seems to have a lot of them!"

"It seems that way, but really you just need to know where you stand with her."

"I think I'd prefer to stand anyway that's outside a 500 mile radius of her." I teased. "Why don't you find her as annoying as I do?"

"Look, I guess I find her annoying too but I'm just a little better than you at controlling my emotions. I mean, I don't believe that anyone is ever 100% bad. At least that's what Jesus taught us." God, he was such a saint.

"Yeah, but when it comes to Felicity, I don't think that Jesus has ever had a say in the matter."

"All I'm saying is that maybe if you got to know her a bit better then you'd think differently."

"You just keep thinking that." I said sarcastically. "No matter how much time I spend with her, I don't think I'm ever going to get on with Felicity."


When I got back to the room, there was a note on Rachel's bed.

Hey Jess,

I'm out right now but I'll be back soon.

Love ya, Rach.

It looked like Rachel had listened to my advice and gone to find Jack, at least I hoped so. I don't know why she hasn't gone for it already to be honest. He is clearly obsessed with her, who wouldn't be, and she is completely smitten - it just makes sense. It's so obvious to everyone around them apart from themselves.

I checked my phone; one text from Danny.

Hey Jessie. How ya doing? Have you done the Maths homework cos I really cba but I think Mr Wilding may screw! Let me know, Danny xx

Does he seriously think that I would have done maths homework? How little he knows me.

Yeah I'm alright, wbu? Course I haven't done the homework you plonker! Let Mr Wilding have a pop if he wants but I don't think he'll expect much from us anyway, ya no? :L See you then ;) Jess xx

As I put my phone down I wondered what to do with the rest of my day. With Maths homework out of the question and Rachel out with Jack I was at a loss. I let my eyes screen around the room - searching for inspiration. My guitar was sitting propped up against my bed in its case. I'd bought it along to school in case I wanted to join some sort of school band but the opportunity never really arose. Oh well, might as well start playing it now!

I took it slowly out of the case and lay it on my lap, thinking about what to play. After a while I decided on 'Teenage Daughter' by Dog is Dead - one of my favourites. As I started to play, the world around me blacked out. I guess I'd forgotten how much I loved music.

After a while, I gave up on Dog is Dead and started messing around with a few new things. I'd written my own music for a while but it has never really worked out. No matter how much I tried, I never seemed to come up with anything good. I guess I just needed to live a little before I managed to write anything good.

I don't know how long I'd been playing but it must have been a good hour or two when Rachel burst in. "Wow Jess," you're such a good singer."

"I'm not but thanks anyway." Say what you want about my guitar playing but my singing - I would never subject anyone to complimenting that.

"Jess, I'm serious - your really good. Did you write that song you were singing just now?"

"I was trying to; it doesn't seem to be working out too well though."

"Jess, it sounded great - trust me!" God, she's so nice. "Anyway, we should go down to dinner now."

"Okay cool, give me a second." I put away my guitar before checking my phone to see if Danny had replied:

Not bad. LOL I think that Mr Wildings lost all hope with us. Can't wait to see you in Maths though anyway ;) xx

Ah, he's so sweet.

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Hey so there you go!! A lot of fun and interesting stuff going on in this chapter so don't forget to tell me what you thought in the comments below!! Rachel is at the side for you so, enjoy that and also I've got something to tell you! :)


So, I'm going to stop uploading for a little while and then upload seven chapters in one week to try and help me break into the 'What's Hot' list properly! I will upload one more chapter (thirteen) before I do this but I just wanted to give you guys a little heads up. That means that during this time, the date is still being decided, I will be asking you to comment, vote and read these chapters like crazy! I promise that they will be very, very good and worth the little wait that there may be to uploading them.

Also, if you haven't already then PLEASE tell you friends about 'Only Fools...' if you are enjoying it because that is really what keeps me going and also don't forget to drop me a line if your liking the story or have any questions or queries!! THANKS! :D


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