THREE - "Stay the night."

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The ride home that evening had been one filled with tension, suffocating infuriating sexual tension. Clearly not for Bridget or Kassie, but when it came to Lyds and Danny, who sat in the front, consumed by the little space between them, it was earth shattering, nuclear even.

Their elbows brushed at every shift of Danny's fist at the gear stick and Lyds could've sworn never in her life had such a simple touch had her wanting to climb across the space and straddle her best friend's lap more than in that very moment. Of course, she didn't want to give into him, Danny always won at everything, she couldn't give him the satisfaction, especially after telling him their little trysts were done with, but the boy knew exactly what he was doing, and he knew just how to play the right strings too.

And on that drive, he was practically a man possessed. Reversing with an arm around the back of her chair, resting his arm across her lap to reach into the glove box and then leaving it stationary upon her thigh, biting his lip at every bump that came their way. If Lyds hadn't wanted to bite those same lips herself she'd have gotten out of the car and gotten as far away from Danny as she possibly could.

Of course, none of those moments went unbeknownst to Bridget, who watched from the backseat in complete and utter disgust, and only praying to god that they could go home and eat their pizza before Danny ran a red light trying to lay one on his best friend again.

Fucking moron.

"So uh, you spoke to Brian recently?" Dan asked, slapping a hand upon his friend's thigh, leaving the other to hang on the wheel just the way he knew she liked.

"Told you, I ghosted him."

"Just checking." He clicked his tongue. "Lot of things can change in a week."

"They sure can."

"They sure can..." Danny repeated, "He still think I was your side piece?"

"Danny!" Bridget snapped.

"Chill Bridge, it's just a question." He bit back, turning his attention to his girl once more. "So?"

"He blocked me so I wouldn't know."

"Thought you ghosted him?"

"I did. Never said I blocked him though."

"That's no way to get over someone L."

But sending Brian a picture of said girl half dressed in your bed from her phone until he blocks her out of anger sure helps.

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