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Hello guy Itz Me? Here You can skip this it not important.

I know I lack of update my fic.

I'm such a bad writers.


I don't know when the idea come up to my mind I want to write. I have the strength and the idea to write it.

But it like something holding me. My mind was shut down.

Something I forgotten the idea or can't write it. I losing interest in writing but I still have Idea in my mind. I forgot why am writing this. Maybe my brain have a big problem. Aren't I already told you guy I losing interest in think really fast.

I still don't know what I want to do. Once I want to write and second another thing pop up make me forget about the last thing. I tried to remember it damn it.

Another thing school is suck. Literally it feel exhausted and the homework take me to long to finish. And the family thing is... I rather not speak about it.

It was a long ride.

I feel exhausted right now.

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