When I Ran Away

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When i came back home, olivia was crying at the top of her lungs with mom and dad beside her. I thought she was just being dramatic like always so i ignored her and went up to my room.To avoid thinking about her, I read my favourite book. Suddenly I heard a knock at my door.When I opened the door, I saw petunia and Bill (my dad). I asked why they had come up to my room and they replied with this "You should've come down to comfort your sister when she was crying".

I told them that i thought she was just overeacting. They were furious.


"Fine", I sighed.

Then i went to my sister and asked what was wrong.

"Just LEAVE!", she said as if the world was about to turn upside down.

"Sheesh. I was just tryna comfort you".

"Well, you can stop cause you're not helping"

"You know what, it's just hopeless tryna make you feel better". And with that I left.After that she cried harder than ever. I went to my room and tried to forget about that but i coudn't, you see i'm a sensitive person but i see myself as a tough girl even though i can some times be very emotinal. Anyway, i was thinking that how olivia could cry since she had the perfect life when the door flung open and i saw two human like structres who i thought i had never seen(hey, my brain wasn't exactly working)and they were raging with anger.

"You think this is a joke, hmm?" said Petunia

"You left your sister crying" said Bill

'You should make her happy since she's your darling daughter' i thought as they gave me a lecture which included me hearing and listning to her problems.

"Okay okay, i'll go down and comfort her, just stop with the speeches and lectures" i said clearly annoyed, but would they understand, no, oviously.

'seriously, what's the worst that could happen to her, she probably just broke a nail or lost her favorite blush' i thought as i made my way down the stairs.

I tried to keep it together cause my anger really wanted to come out and i though it was gonna burst out if it stayed together but after a little while i figured out that i was treating a feeling as if it was alive and was living inside of me.

"Please just tell me what happend or mom and dad won't stop coming after me" i literally begged.

"So, you only came cause you don't want to get scolded by mom and dad, huh? Is that it?" she asked miserably.

Oh man, i felt so misreble. I felt feelings for even the most annoying people, i can't help it. I wanted to tell that she was right, but that just showed that i didn't care about her, but it also was the truth.

So i said "Yeah, your right. I'm doing this cause i don't want to get scolded by mom and dad-"

Olivia's head slowly tilted and her expression made it clear that she was confused.

"-and plus" I continued, "my real parents told me to always tell the truth and never lie. So i'm better of listening to them".

"Ugh, do you ever even shut up and for the record i think that your real parents aren't even that good and kind, cause you know you're not kind and you're a big chatter box, guessing your parents were those too".

I got so angry that my words got the best of me so I yelled, "You think that you can say anything just because mom and dad will save your stupid butt from me, well guess what, you cant say anything against my parents cause they're not your parents, they are my parents who died and you don't know that feeling so you can shut up and for once try to walk in my shoes, just think how i would feel for once rather just thinking about yourself, like seriously, you're in a gang with some stupid mean girls and then randomly just pick on people you think are ugly, well they're not any more ugly than you are and without knowing their family background!" I think that was all in me cause i didn't say anything else.I really must have said a lot cause when i looked at olivia she stood there stunned with an open mouth and didn't dare speak.

I went upstairs and shut my door. I had tolerated thier behavier for too long already. I have had this idea of running away from home since forever but i didn't do it cause it seemed weird to me. Now i had really had enough of this place and decided to leave. It was all happening so fast. I didn't even know where i was going to stay, but i decided to wing it.

I packed my bag putting only the important things, my clothes, food, water and some money, and with that i jumped out the window already having second thoughts about this plan.

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