13. Arrival

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- Date: June 14th, 2018 -
- Time: 21:08 -
- Location: Arcadia -
- POV: (Y/n) -

"I don't just like you. . . I love you, (Y/n). . ."


"Please, don't say anything yet. I know this is sudden, but I just wanted you to know how I felt. . . that I want you. . . and I'll always keep you safe"

. . .

. . .

"Did you really think that would stop me from having you?"

I jolt awake as I hear the ship horn, my eyes wide open as I look around. . . what a weird dream.

Everyone was still asleep, and from the looks of it, Claire had gotten comfy with Owen.

Speaking of which, Owen slowly awoke from his sleep, immediately noticing Claire's hand resting on his chest. He looks down at her, forming a small smile on his face before looking over to me.

Owen: "Looks like she wasn't the only one" he quietly spoke to me. I raise a brow before realizing that Rexy's arm war around me while she slept, and when I look down to my lap, I see Charlie laying her head on it like a pillow. I let out a small relieved sigh as it means she must of woken up during the night, which made me smile as I gently place my hand on her shoulder. "Hey"

I look back to Owen after he said that, seeing him smile at me.

Owen: "Never thought I'd say this, but if my daughter is truly in love, I'm glad it was you she fell for. Your a good kid" he compliments me.

(Y/n): "Thanks Owen" I reply, smiling back at him. I then notice Claire was beginning to wake up, so Owen pretends to be sleeping, while I just sit here awake as the ships horn goes again.

Claire: "We're here" Claire yawns.

Franklin: "Where?" Franklin spoke as he jolts up from the bed of the truck, making me jump slightly. I then feel Rexy begin to wake up, her arm pulling me slightly closer.

Rexy: "How long were we out?"

Zia: "We fell asleep around 17:30, so about three hours" Zia spoke as she sits up from the floor. 

???: "Alright, we'll be docking in 10 minutes! Make sure you've got everything prepared for the convoy out of here!" We hear a voice shout. Owen quickly goes to the back of the truck and peers out through the canvas.

Into Jurassic Hell: Yandere Human Indoraptor X Male ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz