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We are not allowed to have hearts, under penalty of being hooted down and of ruining our credits

—— Marguerite, La dame aux camélias. ( Alexandre dumas fils, 1852) 

Before Rosabelle could investigate the newest clue to her curse, there was a business dinner to prepare, a vase to sell and a brother to deal with.

She napped a little to regain her energy and then she took another shower, this time with her lavender scented soap, lavender scented shampoo and lavender bath oil.

She dressed herself quickly. The doorbell rang as she just finished spraying her coco chanel mademoiselle hair mist.

" Rosie posey, it's good to see you up before 1 in the afternoon." James teased her.

" I need my beauty sleep, Jaime." She said as she let him in the flat, followed by the whole crew of cleaning maids, chefs and the butler from James' Chelsea house.

March, James' butler, had been in her flat for numerous times, so in no time, he arranged for tea and scones.

" Oh, March, what would I do without you?" Rosabelle said sweetly.

" You would do as you do, my lady." March smiled warmly. " You might want to spare your appetite for the cook's pancakes though. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, my lady."

Rosabelle glanced at James knowingly.

" Thank you, march." She said,

She spotted two footmen walk past the living room, carrying a wooden box and a painting in a golden louis frame with extreme care.

" What's that ?" She asked her brother, who was sipping his tea in her favourite armchair.

" Oh that is a ming vase." James gestured to the footmen to place the box and the painting on the coffee table.

He opened the lid carefully and showed her a blue and white Chinese porcelain vase buried deep among wrapping materials.

The vase was painted with a five clawed dragon, indicating that it was intended for an emperor.

" No offense, but it looks ugly." Rosabelle pointed at the dragon's bulging eyes.

" This vase was sold for 25 million euros, Rosie." James chuckled.

" Upon hearing that you would sell a vase to pay for the flat, Penny thought you might

need a new vase, so he gave you the one in his office. He just bought it from an auction in Hong Kong a few months ago. Tax purposes, no doubt." James added.

Rosabelle's nose crinkled.

" Will he be mad if I sell it? Polite people don't sell or exchange gifts, but..."

" Penny would be devastated." James mused with satisfaction. " He thought he'd top me as your favourite brother."

" Eddy IS my favourite brother." Rosabelle said shamelessly as she instructed March to put the vase in her sitting room.

James unwrapped the painting.

" Heartless little sister, this will change your mind. "

It was a portrait of a young woman on the oil canvas. Swift flowing lines formed her elegant ivory gown. She wore a long pearl necklace, which her gloved hand was toying with. From her captivating blue eyes and her glorious blonde maine, one would doubt the existence of the woman. Was she real or a figment of the artist's imagination? for nature had never formed anything lovelier.

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