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Being young and beautiful is not a crime, you know

—Meredith Blake, the parent trap (1998) 

Lady Rosabelle Godfrey entered her flat, half drunk, half sober. She swung her 4 foot christian louboutin cross the room and left her classic chapel flap bag at the floor as she half crawled, half walked to her chintz armchair. She hit her head against the soft cushion deliberately and half groaned, half choked on her own whimpers.

Today was clearly not a great day for lady rosabelle godfrey, the youngest daughter of the rich and famous marquess of Wrenworth. Having the experience of her previous 217 lives, Rosabelle couldn't believe she didn't foresee the horrible event. The day started off as a mundane Friday morning.

She went to her father's house at knightsbridge for brunch.

" Ahem." Her father, Lord Henry Godfrey, the 25th marquess of Wrenworth cleared his throat. He always coughed before giving her long lectures.

" Rosie, my dear, " He began as usual and as usual, she looked down and started to fidget with her bracelets and rings. She loved shiny things and this 18th century rose cut diamond ring provided the perfect distraction.

" you're 21 already. It's high time you started seriously considering your future—"

It was the same lecture about how she should start doing something in life—starting by getting a job or continuing her tertiary education.

Poor old man. He was so clueless about her, wasn't he?

" I understand you may feel slighted, intimidated by your brothers' accomplishments. But don't let it discourage you, my dear. You are beautiful, smart and talented. You have great people skills. You managed after I cut you off financially. "

Bad old man. He cut her off financially after she refused to come work for him after graduation 6 months ago. Why women should work hard when they weren't going to get paid as much as men was beyond her comprehension of humans.

If it were up to her, she would never go to school or college in the first place.

" Rosie, you too are a godfrey. One day, you will make a name for yourself."

She snorted and he frowned at her.

" Do go on, daddy," She said. She used to have a name, but no one remembered her name now, didn't they?

" Of course, respecting your mother's deathbed wish to let her only daughter live according to her heart's desires, I have not been very—involved with you as much as I did with your brothers. That doesn't mean I care any less or expect any less from you—"

He went on and on until her patience ran thin.

" After graduation—"

"Daddy," She interrupted. " I have no plan to get a master's degree or get into family businesses and you cannot and will not change my mind."

" yes. I know." He said. " Which is why—-"

" Good. I want to be going." She stood up.

" Sit down, dear," He said calmly.

She sat back and tried not to be impatient. As far as mortal parents went, lord Wrenworth was the best father she had so far. He never beat her or molested her or sold her to slavery and his cutting her off financially was not half bad since he still talked to her.

" As I was saying, since young, you seem to have a peculiar aspiration to be out of employment. I couldn't help but feel concerned about your future—"

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