"Aiello..." I whimpered out, tears uncontrollably rolling down my cheeks.
"I'm so sorry, Heidi. I'm so sorry." Aiello sobbed.

Just then, the door was kicked open and a smoke grenade was thrown in. The soldier got off of me and they all started shouting in German.

"Get down on the floor!" I heard Pierson's voice and I screamed out for him to hear me.
"Green! Aiello!" He shouted to us and the smoke started to clear. The Nazis were on their knees with their hands on top of their heads.

Pierson looked over at me and his eyes widened. "Shit." He mumbled to himself and kicked one of the Nazis in the face. I was still sobbing uncontrollably.
"The fuck did they do to you guys?!" Daniels asked as he untied Aiello, who instantly ran over to me and finished untying my restraints. He removed his jacket and put it on me and zipped it up.
"I'm so sorry." Aiello said as he pulled me to his chest and softly cried. I couldn't speak, only cry. He ripped a part of his shirt off and began cleaning the blood that was covering my inner thighs. Zuss looked over and gasped.

"Oh no... No... They didn't do that, right?" Zuss said with a solemn look on his face that quickly turned to anger as he looked at the Nazis on the ground. He then shouted something in German to them and punched one of them in the face.
"Do we kill them?" Zuss asked, looking at Daniels and Pierson.
"Look at what they did! Look at her!" Aiello yelled, pointed to me as he stood up. "They deserve nothing but fucking slow and painful deaths!"

"I agree." Pierson said, pulling out a knife.
"Get Green out of here first. She's been through enough." Pierson looked over at me with sadness in his eyes. I was helped up by Aiello and Daniels, but instantly lost my balance and stumbled into them both.
"I got her." Aiello scooped me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging his chest.
"I'm so sorry. I wish I could have protected you." He whispered to me as he carried me onto one of our vehicles. I couldn't reply. I didn't blame him. I was just empty.


We got back to our headquarters and Aiello carried me to the medical tent and laid me down on one of the beds, he then sat next to me and held my hand tightly.
I couldn't speak, I could only look over at him and try to smile. But my lower body was in so much pain. I felt it all mentally and physically.

"I'm so sorry, Heidi. I've never felt so helpless in my life." Aiello apologised again but I couldn't respond in anyway. "I'd rather have it all happen to me than you... It's my fault you were even out there." He continued.

I just couldn't respond, my body was in so much pain. I stared ahead at nothing with a blank expression, the throbbing pain in between my legs was the constant, yet horrible, reminder of what happened today. I couldn't cry anymore. I couldn't talk. I just stared at nothing.
Aiello never let go of my hand in this time, however. I may not have shown it, but I was grateful in my own little way.

Just then, the tent entrance had opened and the guys walked in, they said nothing to us and just sat on a few chairs next to me. Zuss placed a cup of water on the table next to me but all I could respond with was a glance at him. I was grateful that it was enough as he nodded in return.

Just then, Pierson walked in and sighed at the sight of me I guessed.
"How is she?" He asked my three friends who all just gave him a look of sorrow.
Pierson crouched down near me and tried to get any eye contact out of me but I didn't budge. I couldn't. I couldn't look at anyone.

I was so embarrassed, so helpless, so pained. I felt so weak.

"I think we should give her some space." Daniels suggested but Aiello and Pierson were very quick to protest.

"No." Pierson stated sternly.

"We can't leave her on her own. I need to be with her." Aiello spoke after.

I heard Pierson mumble random words under his breath but didn't catch what he had said.

I didn't know what I wanted at this point. I didn't want to be alone but at the same time I wanted to be alone to process my worst nightmare.
I closed my eyes and tried to block everything out until I heard another person enter.

"Are you guys able to step outside whilst I check Green's wounds?" A medic asked as I heard him step closer.

I heard everyone else get up and leave except one person.
"Please can I stay? I won't interfere." Aiello pleaded as his grip on my hand got slightly tighter.

"It's really up to Green. This might include a full body check. I need to make sure she's comfortable-"
"I'll look away! I promise I won't look. I just can't leave her on her own." Aiello once again pleaded.

I glanced to the medic and nodded my head to signal Aiello could stay, which made him sigh in relief.

"I'll be as gentle as I can." The medic assured me but I mentally laughed to myself. Nothing can hurt more than what they did to me.

The medic put my jacket on for me after the examination and removed his gloves.

"Just a few stitches on your chest. All the blood has been cleaned up and you have bruises around your private areas." He informed me and jotted on his clipboard.

"Thank you so much" Aiello responded and watched as he left the room.
"You're gonna be okay, Heidi."

That was the last thing I heard before I drifted off into slumber.

Behind The Lines *WW2 Fan-fiction*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora