Chapter Ninety Three

Start from the beginning

If he had to, he would make his way over to the Isle and ask Lord Hades in person but this was the only way he knew where he could ask both of Mal's parents at the same time.

"If you must go–!"

"I know, I know. I'm taking you or the guards" Ben told Akiho with a fond sigh and smile.

They deserved to hear it at the same time. Plus then Ben would get both their ire at the same time if they disapproved.

"...He's a braver man than I," Harry muttered.

"Of course King Ben," Persephone nodded, standing up from her chair. "Do you need to let anyone know where you're going?"

"Even if he did, he won't," Akiho sighed. "Because he's determined to drive me round the bend!"

"There's nothing on my calendar today thankfully," Ben told her. Of course, he had purposefully made it so there was nothing scheduled. No meetings, no council, no paperwork. Nothing that would make him even more nervous than he already was. "Besides, I'll be with you, your Ladyship."

"Yeah, you don't exactly want to rush this," Hyllus nodded.

"I'm pretty sure that's not a word," Persephone chuckled as they made their way out of the school and toward the Enchanted Forest where her portal was located.

"It is actually Lady Steph 'Ladyship' was used to address noble ladies in the Edwardian era" Benji said.

Chip shook his head. "Why am I not surprised you know that?"

"You can blame Prince Akiho for that one," Ben said with a chuckle of his own.

"And I gladly take it," Ahkio grinned.

"Why does that not surprise me?" Persephone shook her head in amusement. The young prince of Arendelle certainly had his own particular way with words. "Will you be alright teleporting to the Enchanted Forest?"

"If that's what I have to do," Ben nodded.

"I've never teleported before," Ben confessed. "Mal's offered but the only place where it would have come in handy would be our trips to the Isle. Unfortunately due to the barrier, we're not able to teleport."

"Wait...didn't Mal say she'd never teleported before when Lady Persephone left Ben's office?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah..." Evan said slowly.

"So how is she able to offer to teleport them now?"

"I do have to warn you, it's a bit jarring at first," Persephone told him as she rested a hand on his arm, leaves surrounding the two of them and obstructing their vision.

"You can say that again," Herkie said softly.

When it faded, Ben saw that they were in fact in the Enchanted Forest. He also felt incredibly woozy. Almost as if he had spun around on a tilt-a-whirl too many times.

"Ugh...I hate that feeling," Lucy shook her head.

The last time he had felt this dizzy was after getting hit in one of his final Tourney games, and that hit had been so bad he'd gotten knocked out.

"Thank you for that reminder," Belle said with a small sigh. She hated thinking about the fact that her son had been hurt and she hadn't been able to be by his side because she hadn't known.

"Ah yes," Persephone nodded as Ben sat down on a nearby stump, his head bent down near his knees. "The dizziness will fade. Let me go ahead and contact my husband while you recover."

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