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It's claws thumped against the ground, throwing everyone off balance.

It seemed obvious that it wanted them to leave.

"I think we should leave!" Stelle yelled.

"There's too much to loose. Besides, dead eating it will be a piece of cake!" Himeko urged.

"I really don't think we should." Dan Heng tried to say.

"This planet is too resourceful to leave. We should defeat it." Welt recommended.

"Well Welt says yes, then it's probably a smart decision..." March realized.

"Then let's go finish that bird!" Himeko charged.

The phoenix screeched at their refusal to leave.

"Aah!" March yelled, covering her ears.

The phoenix's large claws swished in a downwards motion, nearly hitting Stelle.

Stelle jumped onto it's leg started to climb it, while the others attacked it's claws.

The phoenix started to flap its gigantic wings, rising into the air with Stelle still hanging on.

Dan Heng quickly threw his spear at the phoenix, and it buried itself right in it's left wing.

The phoenix screeched out in pain, and landed on the ground again.

"Keep it on the ground! Attack it's wings!" Himeko yelled to everyone.

"March! Can you freeze it?" Welt asked March.

"I can try! It's huge!" March worriedly pulled back the string on her bow.

She released the arrow, and ice encased one of the phoenix's claws.

Welt and Himeko attacked it's right wing.

Stelle had climbed onto it's flame coloured feathery back, and summoned her sword.

She held it with both hands and plunged it into the phoenix's back.

Everyone covered their ears at the screech it made.

It opened its beak and from it came a huge blazing fire.

"Get back!" Welt yelled, nearly getting burnt.

"Stelle!" Dan Heng called for Stelle, who was still on the phoenix's back, getting tossed around as the phoenix thrashed.

"Dan Heng! Watch out!" March cried, trying to reach for him.

𝐀𝐃𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐑/yan!Jing YuanWhere stories live. Discover now