"Ten years too late to notice..."

"I always noticed, Lux."

"Like fuck you did."

"Your mom's attitude is also a little fucked up, just saying...and your grandmother keeps stroking my thigh."

"Don't bad mouth my mom, Austin, there are knives on this table, and my grandmother is senile."

Austin sits back and takes a sip of his beer, but says no more. Their food arrives and the cranberry chicken Austin had ordered is amazing. She can't bring herself to push it away so she inhales it instead. "So how is your business going, Austin?" Lux's grandmother asks as they eat. "Good thank you, ma'am," Austin answers. Ma'am? Who the fuck is Austin trying to be - it's bullshit. "He is being modest. He just opened his fifteenth club. He has clubs now in LA, Las Vegas, New York, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Diego, and Dallas," Shawn says.

Lux swallows thickly as everyone gushes about how fantastic he is including her mother. When she was with Austin he was trying to convince banks and brokers to take a chance on him - no one was taking the bright-eyed boy seriously, except for her. It's bullshit that his dream came true, and exceeded what he had even tried to do. She had hoped the one nightclub she thought he had would burn to the ground and leave him broke and homeless. But, no, the selfish prick has not only won over her whole family - but succeeded in life too. It's not right.

"This chicken has made me feel sick. It's terrible, I need to lie down," Lux says standing up and walking away from the table before anyone can stop her. She makes her way to her room and crawls under the covers. It's so fucked up. Austin had practically cried on her shoulder after countless businessmen had slammed their doors in his face. She had stood by him, built him up, and tried to make him feel better - he never gave her any of that back. She never wanted him to kiss her feet and she never supported him expecting him to repay her - she just didn't want to feel so alone when she gave so much of herself to him. She can't stop her tears, it is just so unfair.

An hour after she had climbed into bed, she still has wet cheeks when she hears a soft knock on her door. Please be Louis.  She pulls the covers back she can see it's Austin - fuck. The patio doors are glass so he can see her in her sorry state. Today has been so perfect - this must be what paradise is like, honestly. She climbs out of bed and opens the patio door.


Austin is looking at her, slightly shocked at her venerable state - Lux usually has all her walls up so it's not often people see her in this state. But, it's been a long fucking day and she is tired.


"Save your fake caring for someone who likes you. What do you want?"

"The pool...never mind I will tell them you are sick from the chicken, I will make something up."

"You are a good liar and I am sure you will be able to sell everyone that bullshit, but I don't want any help from you. I am coming," Lux says turning to start getting ready, she stops and snaps her head toward Austin when she hears him take a step inside.

"Get the fuck out."

"I am waiting for you."

"I don't need a babysitter."

"You do."

"Just fuck off. Wait outside."

Lux grabs her shit and dresses in the bathroom. She takes her time, washing her face and fixing her make up then flipping through a magazine. Austin hates waiting on people - it's a pet hate and sure to put him in a bad mood for the rest of the day. The thought brings her joy, but the memory doesn't.

"Come on, Luxie, just brush your hair and let's go," Austin groans from the door. "I have been at work all day. I look like shit. Please. Just give me fifteen minutes to shower and change," Lux says pulling out a change of clothes from the closet. Austin lets out a whine of disapproval and then stamps off to the lounge. She hears him start up a new game - that will give her the time she needs. Ten minutes later she is showered and dressed, feeling much better after her shower. Today was long and grueling, her mentor had not let up all day. She had tried to tell Austin but he had cut her off by reminding her that it was Harry's birthday and they were going out tonight.

"Ok, I am ready," she says walking into the lounge. "Fucking finally!" Austin says, his eyes glued to the TV as he shoots some guy in his game. "Well, I did rush so I am five minutes early," Lux defends herself. "Well, you didn't need to do all that shit in the first place. We could be there already," Austin says, eyes still on the TV.

"Well, I am ready now so let's go."

"Chill, let me just finish this."

Lux stares at him. He had made such a fuss about her freshening up so she rushed but he is happy to finish his game. She has to wait twenty minutes - she does not say a word, she does not want a fight tonight. Eventually, Austin dies in the game and he throws the remote onto the couch, annoyed. "Fucking stupid game," he mumbles and stands. "Let go," he mumbles. "You look nice," Lux says as they walk out the door. It's a hint for him to pay her a compliment after all the effort she put in. Austin, now grumpy, does not say anything as he lights a cigarette then takes her hand and walks down to the pub.

By the time they get there, it's loud and everyone is mellowed out by a steady flow of beers. "Austin! You lazy sack of shit! Why are you late?" Pete says as they come up to the table. "Woman, you know how it goes. They like to fluff and shit," Austin says with a laugh. His mood perked up the second they walked in. "Well you do look very nice, Lux," Pete says smiling at her. Lux smiles back, "thank you," she says. Austin grunts and rolls his eyes. "Sit," he says then walks off to the pub with Pete. Seems his better mood is reserved for only his friends.

Austin ignores her for most of the night, but Lux is not needy so she lets him be. Choosing to drink her wine and watch as Austin and his boys get louder, happier, and drunker as the night goes on. Eventually, he gets drunk enough to forget that he is mad at her so it's no surprise when his hands find her waist and he plasters himself to her. "Let's not fight anymore, Luxie-girl," he whispers into her ear then runs his lips along her neck. She was not fighting, he was. But, she does not want to create a new fight so she nods and wraps her arms around his neck as he lifts his head. "Fuck you are gorgeous," he groans then mashes their lips together, his hand settling on her inner thigh and squeezing lightly. The mix of wine and Austin have her practically sliding off her chair. She is so gone for the boy it borders on pathetic, but it was all bullshit.

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