You taught me so much Eda and I thank you for that. But right now I'm using the lesson you taught me when we got captured during the heist I suggested all those months ago.

Knowing when to quit.

You were like a second mom to me, and I'll miss you.

Thank you for everything, Eda.

Eda stopped reading and set the papers down in her lap. She took a few staggered breaths, then started to cry. Part of her was embarrassed for sobbing in front of these kids, but, at least most of them, she knew well so the embarrassment didn't last long. It's not like she was bawling in front of all the people she'd worked to save over the past few months. They were just the friends of the kid she couldn't save.

"Is that it? Is that all she left?" Amity asked desperately.

"N-no. It's not. But someone else is going to have to take over." Eda admitted, wiping her eyes, "The next part is for you, Bossy Boots. Why don't you read it?"

Amity nodded and took the stack of papers. She found where Eda left off, took a deep breath, and began.

My love, my sweet potato, my Amity

How can I write down all these yelling thoughts in my head? I have so much I want to say. Like how I died and came back as a Like how I scarred you and never got to Like how you saw me as I Like how after going through so much with you, I'm leaving. I didn't imagine this happening this way. I thought I'd go back to the human realm permanently and I'd break up with you to make it easier. I thought I'd stay in the Demon Realm forever. I thought I'd make a portal so I didn't have to choose. I thought and hoped for every possible outcome that would be easy for you, but that's not what happened.

There are so many words I could say, but only a few that I will.

Move on from me, please.

Don't get hung up on the past. Look forward.

Goodbye, Amity

"That's all she wrote for you?" Willow asked, confused and slightly frustrated.

"Yeah, why?"

"Doesn't it feel like too little? And kinda hollow? Like, it feels like she's telling us exactly what needs to be said so we don't go out to find her when being found is what she needs," Willow pointed out, "She's clearly in a bad place, but she's also acting like we weren't as close as we were."

"Wait, why are you phrasing our friendship in past tense?" Gus asked.

"Do I really have to explain?" Willow scoffed, standing up, "She killed Hunter, she almost petrified all of us, and she burnt Amity's face! She's not the same person that helped us bring a house to life or try to start a book club or take down a tyrant. She joined up with that same tyrant less than a year after fighting him! Or did all of you forget what happened at the intervention?"

"Willow, you can't expect her to put down every thought she has on paper." Hunter reasoned, "Of course it feels hollow. She isn't here."

"But she should be! She didn't even put so much as an 'I love you' at the end of Amity's part! Does nobody else think this note was just a way to get us to stop looking so she could do whatever she wanted without facing the consequences?"

"Who cares if she didn't tell me she loves me?" Amity sighed, "Who cares if it's hollow? Who cares if it's just a way for her to have a clean getaway? It's something, and that's all that matters to me. She wants me to move on, so I will. And once we finish this letter, we all should."

A True Witch (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now