Sneaking Out

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"I can't believe you seriously convinced me to do this." Hunter groaned, grabbing the pin from his bin so he would be invisible to the Collector and putting it on.

"I mean, you still agreed." Luz shrugged, grabbing her own pin, "Now, you stocked up on glyphs?"

"With all the ones we drew earlier, it'll have to be a war for me to run out. And considering the plan you told me, I doubt that'll be necessary."

"I have learned that when you don't have magic naturally, it's better to be over-prepared than under-prepared. Now, you figured out where Eda's room is?"

"Yep. You sure this is a good idea? You can always just ride on Flapjack with me."

"Look, we'll be in and out. Eda won't even notice we're gone and took Owlbert. And if she does her anger will be defused with us bringing back at worst some information and at best King. Now let's go."

Luz and Hunter quietly walked out of the room, trying to not wake anyone up. Once they got out, they grabbed an invisibility glyph so anyone who was awake wouldn't see them. They crept through the halls and got to Eda's room.

Since she was basically in charge, she got to have her own room.

Luz quietly opened the door and looked for Owlbert. She saw him asleep, sitting on a perch on Eda's desk. Luz went over and grabbed him carefully.

"Okay, please be quiet, Owlbert. It's just me. I just need to borrow you for a bit, okay?" Luz whispered before he could start making noise and potentially wake Eda up.

He looked a bit nervous but nodded and let her bring him out of Eda's room. Luz tucked him under her jacket so nobody would see him, then tapped her foot on the ground three times, signaling to Hunter that she was good to go. As they left, they rounded a corner and nearly ran right into Emira and Alador, the former of which was wearing some medical things and the latter looked mostly like they remembered, except his hair was much shorter.

"We need to tell her sooner or later." Emira said.

"She just got back. She doesn't need to know." Alador sighed.

"She'll start asking questions sooner or later!"

"She doesn't even know Odialia and I are getting divorced. She doesn't need to know this yet."

"Dad, Mittens isn't some fragile little girl. She fought Belos, fled the Collector, and spent months in another realm. She's almost as good as you at abomination magic, has probably learned some wild magic from Luz, and helped make a portal. Why can't you just tell her that-"

"Because if I have to tell her that means I have to accept what's happened!" Alador yelled, shocking Emira, Luz, and Hunter.

Alador saw Emira's expression and froze, before sighing and taking a few breaths.

"I'm sorry for yelling," he softly said, "We've both had a long day. I know Amity is strong. But I'm not. Please, don't tell her yet. Goodnight, Emira."

"Goodnight, dad."

Emira and Alador walked right past Hunter and Luz, before splitting off into different directions. As their footsteps faded away, the invisibility also vanished.

"What do you think they were talking about?" Luz quietly asked.

"I don't know, and I don't think we should try to figure it out. Amity's family issues are her business, not ours. Now come on. This was your plan."

Luz nodded and the both grabbed another invisibility glyph and activated it just to be safe. They walked out past the flesh demon guards and out into the woods. By the time they got to the coast of the island, the time was already up for their invisibility. Since they were far away from the tower, they didn't bother going invisible again.

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