Hopefully Helpful

Start from the beginning

"Eda." Luz gasped quietly.

"If you weren't basically my kid I'd have half a mind to snap your arms just so you wouldn't get such a batshit insane thought."

The cracks on the sigil grew and. the pieces faded away

"Eda." Luz said slightly louder, beginning to squirm again.

"And I swear if I see you doing one more Titan damn idiodic thing I might just have you grounded to never so much as leave this tower again you immature, unthinking, untrained-"


Eda turned her attention from Luz to Raine, who had their eyes open and was squinting at her, not able to see her great without their glasses. Eda let Luz down, dropped to the ground and rushed over to Raine. She had tears in her eyes and had a hand clapped over her mouth. Raine slowly sat themselves up slightly and looked for their glasses, grabbing them off the table by the medical bed once they spotted them and putting them on. Immediately their face flushed and they chuckled.

"So this is what your harpy form looks like." They said weakly.

Raine began coughing and pushed themselves up so they were sat up all the way. At this point, Viney and Emira had gotten over, looking awestruck. They both started pulling out various medical things and began doing tests. Eda turned back into her normal form and stepped back with Luz, giving Emira and Viney room to work.

"Kid, what did you do?" Eda softly asked, "That glove, you did something, didn't you?"

"Uh, yeah. I just used what I learned in Belos' mind and what I know about him in general to reverse engineer a way to change the glove to be able to take off the sigils rather than give them."

"This is incredible. Luz, we can bring all these people back. I-I was sure they'd be stuck like this until we defeated the Collector, maybe past that. But now they can help and just...be alive. We'll have to catch them all up, but we can do that once they're all awake." Eda was beaming at Luz, a small tear forming in her eye that she wiped away before pulling Luz close, "Now, what do you say we get along with waking all these powerful suckers up?"

Luz nodded and began going from bed to bed, removing the sigils of comatose people. They woke up, Emira, Viney, Eda, and even eventually Alador, who easily could get through Emira's illusion over the door, came in and gave them a brief explanation of what was going on and checked on their vitals. It was a lot, but it was incredible. Seeing Raine, Darius, Eber, Lilith, even Kikimora, and all the others awake and talking was incredible for Luz. She felt like she was finally doing something for the good of everyone. The people there were already bantering. Lilith, Darius, Raine, Alador, and Eda especially.

Eda didn't tell them that Luz had changed the glove with magic, just that she found a way to do it. It was reasonable, but it still was hard to keep such an awesome thing a secret. From her friends, her girlfriend, her cool aunt. Eda, Viney, Emira, Alador, Boscha, King, Hunter, and Belos were the only ones that knew Luz could do magic, not including the Collector. But even with so relatively few people knowing she was the one responsible for this, it still made Luz proud.

"So, am I trustworthy yet?" Belos whispered.

"You're getting there." Luz quietly replied, trying to not look suspicious, "Thank you so much, Philip. This is incredible."

"And you should feel pride in this. I helped, but you did most of the work. You are the incredible one, Little Light."


"Who are you talking to, Luz?"

Luz spun around to see a very confused Amity, who at some point had slipped through the illusion on the door and came inside the room.

A True Witch (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now