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June 23rd, 2022

Madelinecastillo: im wednesday 🖤1,037,838 Likes  12,364 Comments

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Madelinecastillo: im wednesday 🖤
1,037,838 Likes 12,364 Comments


user: someone shoot me I can't breathe

ekat19: 🖤 (liked by Madelinecastillo)
user: she know white boy carl?!!!!

user: you are so gorgeous ily

ememyers: 🖤 (liked by Madelinecastillo)

user: how does it feel to god's favorite?
madelinecastillo: can I say it feel great? 😈

user: this is gonna ruin the Addams Family Istg

hunterdoohan: 🖤 (liked by Madelinecastillo)

user: Addams Family Values 🔛🔝
user: literally stfu

joysunday: 🖤 (liked by Madelinecastillo)

ameliareinhart: so happy for you babe
madelinecastillo: 🤭 thanks cutie

user: no thanks I'm so sick of these dumb remakes 😒

lunaloones: Ig now we're both Lunatics 😘
madelinecastillo: I hope to be nothing like u 🙈

user: I'm actually so excited for this!

jennyparked: you are literally a work of art 🙇🏻‍♀️
madelinecastillo: I'm finna cry 😪🥹

user: since white boy Carl did it I'mma do it 🖤
user: you know his name isn't white boy Carl right?

macyvera: my Wednesday 🖤
madelinecastillo: you're so sweet 🥲

What's up with the Whores Next Door 😪
Madeline- Mad Dog 🐩
Amelia- Millieonaire 💵
Jenny- Parker 🚙
Tyler- Mr. Lockwood 🐺
Macy- Amacing 🤩
JJ- Will Bi-ers 🏳️‍🌈

Millieonaire 💵
If I start to cry will you
all coddle me?

Parker 🚙

Parker 🚙

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Mr. Lockwood 🐺
I'll coddle you Millie

Amacing 🤩
I'll 011 you 😉

Millieonaire 💵
Fuck u 🖕🏻

Mad Dog 🐩
Guys apparently
there's gonna be a Zombies 3?!!

Millieonaire 💵
I'm being bullied and
that's what you care about? 😔

Mad Dog 🐩
I'm sorry Mills but Zed
is looking a little extra 😩

If you know what I mean

Parker 🚙
I definitely know what
you mean 😩

Parker 🚙I definitely know what you mean 😩

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Mr. Lockwood 🐺
That's just Milo?

Mad Dog 🐩
Yeha but with green hair 😩

Mr. Lockwood 🐺
Why don't you just hit him
up? Didn't you guys
meet before?

Mad Dog 🐩
Yeah at Disney Prom

but that was like 2017/18 
and besides all I said
to him was hi and he said hi

Amacing 🤩

We miss you guys

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We miss you guys

Mad Dog 🐩
Tell JJ to open the chat rn!

Mr. Lockwood 🐺
Damn JJ 🥵🥵

Will Bi-ers 🏳️‍🌈
First of all Tyler please
control yourself

Second what do you
want Maddie?

Mad Dog 🐩
Is Milo sexy yes or no?

Will Bi-ers 🏳️‍🌈
Yes 100%

Parker 🚙
You are so smart JJ ✨
this is why you're my twin

Will Bi-ers 🏳️‍🌈
I'm not spoiling anything
in Stranger Things

Parker 🚙
Fuck you

Mad Dog 🐩
Don't speak
to JJ like that hoe!

Parker 🚙

Millieonaire 💵
Milo is sexy

Parker 🚙
Yes but not with that

Millieonaire 💵
Hold up

Read by All

Millieonaire 💵
JJ, Mace as your
besties we deserve to
know what's going on in
Stranger Things before
everyone else 😁

Amacing 🤩

Will Bi-ers 🏳️‍🌈

Mad Dog 🐩
Can we circle back to
the whole Zed conversation?

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