Titan Save the King

Start from the beginning

"Much more specific! Yes, it is."

"Seven: have I seen it?"

"Oh definitely."

"Eight: can I do it?"


"Nine: could I do it back in the human realm?"

"Absolutely not."

"Ten: can you do it?"


"Eleven: can Eda do it."

"That woman who found my Owl Beast curse? No, she can't."

Luz thought hard, trying to think of what it was, knowing she only had nine questions left before she lost and not wanting to find out what losing meant in this situation.

"Twelve: does it come from the Isles?"


Luz started to get a thought of what it was, but had to make sure.

"Thirteen: are there ways to do it unnaturally?"

"Yeah, several actually."

"Magic. The answer is magic." She said confidently.

The Collector beamed in delight at Luz figuring it out. Their grip loosened slightly on Hunter, alleviating some of the pressure.

"I'm so happy for you. Now, I know you and Caleb came here to save your friend. If you can attack me using your magic, then I'll let you and Caleb go free."

Luz was hesitant, not knowing what the Collector was planning or if they'd actually let her and Hunter go. The Collector sighed at Luz's hesitation and lowered the bubble King was in down to only a few feet off the ground.

"I'm in a good mood, so if you do I'll also let King go. Just attack me with your magic before I can kill you and you get to leave with King and Caleb unharmed."

Luz still said nothing, just looking between Hunter, King, and the Collector.

"Titan, you're boring. If you don't want to start, I will."

They snapped their fingers and set off an explosion right next to Luz. She got blasted to the side and landed hard on the ground. The debris that flew out shot in all directions and cut Luz's arm and cheek, one piece even going through her pant leg and dug into her skin. She pulled herself up and started digging through her glyphs. The Collector groaned and took all of her glyphs, and Hunter's for extra measure, and burnt them all to a crisp.

"No help from your glyphs! That's cheating! You need to attack me using your magic!" The Collector whined.

"That is my magic! I don't know what you want from me!"

"If you aren't going to play, I'm going to play with Caleb instead. I'm still in the mood for tag."

The Collector pulled Hunter close, tightening their grip again making Hunter scream in pain, and raised a finger.


Luz began to run towards them, but the rock shard in her leg dug in deeper from the movement and she fell.

But as she did, her finger spun in a circle and a blast of fire shot at the Collector.

Just before it hit their face, they stopped it and tossed it over their shoulder setting the recreation of Eda's nest ablaze. The Collector lowered to the ground with Hunter and let him down. He groaned as he tried to sit up, but couldn't. Luz rushed over to him and carefully pulled him into her lap.

"Great job using your magic, human! As promised, you, Hunter, and King can go," The Collector said chipperly, popping King's bubble, "But, let me warn you, if you come here again I might not be in such a great mood, so don't count on me playing with you to let people go. Oh, and so you can't find me so easily I'm moving this and will disguise it. Don't want you to get a sneak peak of the game before it's time to play!"

King ran over to Luz and hugged her tightly.

"Hunter, we need to get out of here." Luz softly said.

He pulled out Flapjack who immediately went into staff form. Luz lifted Hunter on and got on behind him. She handed King Owlbert, who also turned back into a staff.

"I need to make sure Hunter doesn't fall off. You know how to fly, right?"

King nodded and they both got on the staves and flew out as fast as they could. As they left and looked behind them, the giant Owl House vanished. Luz felt guilty for all the people still trapped, but tried to just focus on getting back to the base. Luz and King flew high in the sky, getting a perfect view of the sun rising over the horizon.

"King, I'm so glad you're okay," Luz said, looking over to him, "I have so much to-"

"Luz. That's not important." King said firmly.

"I know we need to get back but it'll be a few hours and-"

"No. Luz. I'm glad you're back but there's something more important."


"Luz, you had no glyphs when you attacked the Collector. You did magic."

A True Witch (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now