|6| Final Reveal

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He wanted to learn everything about her and her species. He wanted to control the girl and her power. He knew that she would be the perfect final piece in his plan.

The two walked through the facility, Tomoko following the man's footsteps, using the clicking of his and hers heeled boots on the tiled floor as her main source of sound. She saw the outline of various hallways, hallways that he didn't recognise.

It was only till the tiled floor turned into wooden panels that she realised that she wasn't in the facility anymore.

She had only known the walls and corridors of the facility; she didn't remember her life before it. This was all a new experience for her. As her ears helped her locate her surroundings, her nose informed her of the powerful figure that lay ahead of them.

The smell of his blood indicated that whoever the two were walking towards was indeed powerful. However, his blood was slightly obscured. Obscured by a scent of blood that seemed...familiar.

Who is this man?

Tomoko asked herself. All she had been told is that he is important, and she was to become a close confidant to the man. Asato's footsteps stopped causing Tomoko to stop as well. She clasped her hands in front of herself and kept her head down.

The last sounds of their heeled shoes allowed the girl to see that they were in an office of some sort. But with silence still looming, she was in the dark.

"You shall kneel when you greet the lord," Asato told the girl, she nodded her head and immediately got on her knees and bowed her head in respect.

"My Lord." Asato greeted, Tomoko heard a door being opened and from what she could sense a man was seated before them.

"Ichio." The man greeted him in return. His voice itched at the depths of Tomoko's mind as if she had heard it before.

"My Lord, I present to you, Tomoko. The results of the research I have been doing these past months." Asato introduced the girl. She heard the man's footsteps approach her until he stood in front of the kneeling girl.

Tomoko slightly froze at the touch of the man grabbing her chin, lifting it up so her face was in direct view of him.

"Tomoko huh?" He said as he ran his thumb along the bottom lip of the girl. His touch was cold and sent a shiver down the girl's spine. Something the man noticed and smirked at.

"And what does she do?" The man asked.

"Whatever you ask of her, my lord," Asato replied.

"Is that so?" He raised an eyebrow. His interest piquing at his subordinates' words.

"Speak." He commanded.

"My lord." She responded. A pleased smile etched itself onto the man.

"Tell me Ichio, what is she again?" He asked, "Why is she so special that you spent months working on her."

"She is a ghoul, your grace." Asato began, "A species that resides in the inner cities of Japan. They are cannibalistic killing machines that have a certain ability that no vampire acquires."

"Show me." He ordered.

Tomoko hesitated slightly; she was almost afraid to show this man her power. However, her thoughts were cut when a hand on her throat was felt and her airways were being squeezed.

"I said sh-" He was cut off by Tomoko's defence system kicking in, her kagune activating, two tendrils sharply pointed at the man's eyes. As if warning him to back away from the girl.

"My my, how interesting." The man grinned, letting the girl's throat go and standing to his full height.

"How dare you threaten his grace!" Asato angrily yelled, he lifted his hand and struck the girl. He struck her hard enough for her to fall completely to the ground. "You are to show the utmost respect to him!"

Asato was about to strike the girl again but was stopped by Rido's hand gripping his wrist.

"That will not be necessary Ichio." The man ordered, letting go of his hand before crouching beside the stricken girl.

"Are you alright my dear?" He asked, his friendly tone being sickly. Tomoko looked up at the man, the resulting sounds bouncing off the wall and allowing her a closer look at the vampire before her. His hair was short, and he had two different eye colours, one was red and the other a colour she could not distinguish. 

Two eyes, both different. One normal and one red.

Something stuck a nerve in the girl as the flash of a black and red eye invaded her mind. But as quick as it came it was gone.

What was that?

She thought. It truly was a strange image.

"Are you alright?" The man repeated lifting her back to the kneeling position, quickly grabbing her attention.

"Y-yes...my lord," Tomoko replied softly. Rido inspected the girl and saw that there was no sign of injury on her face, even after having been struck by Ichio.

"How strange, she has no mark." He mumbled.

"Another perk of her species your grace." Asato explained, "You see it is impossible to kill a ghoul through normal methods. Their enhanced regeneration ability makes them nye indestructible sir. Only other ghouls can do damage to them."

"With a steady supply of human flesh, she will be unkillable and an infinite blood bank your grace." Asato finished.

"How interesting." Rido mumbled, "I wish to taste it."

He announced, he grabbed the girl's head and pulled it to the side, giving himself clear access to her neck. He leaned down and went to pierce her neck with his fangs but found it didn't work. Her skin was rock hard, stopping him from tasting her blood.

"As I said sir, only a ghoul can cause harm to another ghoul," Asato explained again.

"I see." He nodded, "Tomoko, I wish to drink your blood. Will you give your master a taste of your blood?"

"My...master?" she questioned.

"Yes, I am your master." He repeated, "And as you are my pet, you must obey your master."

"I...must obey...my master." She repeated. Her hand instinctively began to take off one of her gloves, allowing for her tattooed skin and sharp nails to be revealed. She lifted her hand to her neck and cut a small section open in her neck, a section just big enough for fangs to fit in.

The sight of her blood running down her neck caused the vampire to salivate.

"Good girl." He praised, leaning down and entering his fangs into her open wound.

"I must obey my master," Tomoko repeated, she could hear the man drinking her blood. A blood that Rido had never tasted before, a blood that tasted of power. But it wasn't the power he required, nonetheless until he could acquire the blood he needed this would do.

He gripped the girl tightly in his arms as he continued to suck the girl's blood until satisfaction. As soon as he stopped, the wound healed over. A fascinating sight to the man, even after having lost a fair amount of blood, her healing ability was quick and remarkable.

"Well done, Ichio." Rido congratulated the chairman. "This little experiment of yours will serve me well."

The Lost Mind - Sequel to PONRKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat