|4| Successful Agony

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Months had passed since the night of the ball. No one had heard from Kaji ever since. Many believed that she just transferred to a different school, while those who knew more believed she had just disappeared.

The titular students of the Night Class were merely fed a lie, a lie that stated that she had decided to leave Cross Academy as she felt she was too much of a danger to all.

However, there were a few that didn't believe that lie, that saw through the falsehoods of the words.

While there were some who were just glad to see her gone.

There was only one person who truly knew what happened to her.

SCREAM ERRUPTED THROUGH the walls of the facility. Countless days of continuous experiments were performed on the girl. She was subjected to extensive amounts of torture, all in the name of bringing forth her bloodlust.

"Well, it seems we have had success in summoning her kakuja." The lead scientist muttered under his breath, "However, we have yet to have success in bringing forth that same bloodlust from when it first activated."

He gritted his teeth in frustration. The Senator was breathing down his neck demanding results.

"Why won't it work!" He screamed in frustration and slammed his fist against the desk. A few of his fellow scientists were caught off guard by his sudden outburst. However, they were sympathetic as they understood his frustration.

For they as well were all under intense stress to have these experiments be a success.

"AH!" The girl screamed, in the time since her kakuja awakening had changed significantly. Kaji was now just a vessel of skin and bones, her soul barely clinging to her body. Her hair had faded white from all the stress she had been put through.

Her hair was now cut short, now having it resting above her shoulders. A fringe had grown to cover her now barren eyes sockets. Due to the nature of the torture, they are putting her through her regeneration ability has been severely depleted.

It was enough to help her survive but not enough to regenerate the limbs she had lost.

"Send in the next one." The lead scientist ordered.

A warning sound was heard before a set of doors were opened. A pack of wolves who had been starved for some days entered the testing room. They snarled and growled as drool dripped from their mouths.

Their next prey sitting on a silver plate before them.

The girl continued to scream in agony, her body entering a state of shock.

The predators began to bark at the girl before the lead member lunged. A whimper took over the noise as the bone-like tail pierced through the skull of the wolf.

"Alright, we have activation." The scientist mumbled. His eyes intensely watched what was happening next, the kakuja form entering its defensive state. The other wolves growled louder at the death of their pack mate.

They all began to charge and began to swarm the girl. With the overwhelming number of enemies that surrounded her, a new urgency overcame her.

A frenzied cry emanated from the creature's mouth and the bloodlust took over. the snake-like tail took to action as it embedded itself in each and every skull of the animals. When they were all hanging limply from its tail, the bloodthirsty kakuja let out a raw.

"We did it!" The scientists exclaimed. Their eyes watched as the beast began to tear about the room, splattering the blood of the wolves all over the rooms. When the bodies had been decimated the beast turned to the glass separating it from the scientists.

The Lost Mind - Sequel to PONRWhere stories live. Discover now