It was a month of intense physio before Cara found herself in her bosses office.
"You want me to do what?!"
"We've been called by the guys at the Richard Rodgers Theatre, they are trialling having a full time physio on board for the company to deal with sprains, aches etc during a charity run. They are flat out rehearsing to get it ready on time and want to minimise down time.
You would be perfect. I know you specialised in sports massage before becoming a Paramedic, It's a great way to get you back into work doing light duties till you're 100% and ready to get back on the bike"
Cara looked at Mike incredulously, did he actually just say that?
"So let me get this straight, you want me to work at Hamilton?"
"Only till you're fully fit again"
"Hamilton the musical?"
"Hamilton the musical ... on Broadway?"
"Yes.... sorry.... have I grown two heads? what is so difficult to understand?" Mike looked exasperated.
Ever since the break up Cara had been trying to avoid anything Hamilton related and had been doing quite well. She hardly ever thought of Matt now. Then suddenly they were wanting her to work there! Fuuuuck.
"You start on Monday" Mike jolted her back out of her thoughts.
Walking out of his office she felt numb. "Come on" she said to herself  "it's a totally different country, with different people. You can do this"
"Do what?" Ben had fallen into step with her.
"Shit did I say that out loud? Sorry"
"Yes you did, and no apologies needed, just an explanation.  Coffee?"
"Absolutely" Cara smiled at Ben and they walked across the road to the coffee shop on the corner. A favourite of the emergency workers it was always busy.  They grabbed coffee and took a table near the window.
"Ok, spill" Ben smiled at Cara, the coffee cup hovering halfway to his mouth.
"They have signed me to work at Hamilton as an in house medic till my back is fully healed and I can get back on the bike"
"Ok, so ... what's the problem exactly? I mean its supposed to be an amazing show and you will probably be able to see it as often as you want and it's oh! ..... Hang on....Hamilton? As in the same Hamilton with Matt?"
"But that was in London right? He isn't going to be in this one?"
Cara sighed "I know, the chances of ever seeing him again are ridiculously low, and it's not like I feel anything for him anymore but I spent months hearing about it, I think I know every damn line, and it just has such a bitter taste for me"
Ben took her hand. "I get it, but just try and think of it as something completely different.  Don't let past memories cloud your view, at the end of the day Matt was the asshole, not the show"
"Yes you're right, as usual" Cara rolled her eyes playfully and Ben raised an eyebrow.
"Hey you get to meet Lin-Manuel Miranda as well, that's GOT to be a bonus"
Cara knew he wrote it so was aware of his name but he'd also been at one of Matt's shows and Matt was constantly bragging about it to anyone who would listen.  Telling people Lin thought he was the best A.Ham he had ever seen. A claim Cara didn't quite believe.
In London Lin wasn't as well known yet as the US and she always turned off the TV when anything Hamilton related came on so didn't really know much about him.
"I guess" she shrugged.
"You've got this! You'll be fine"

"Ok listen up people" Tommy addressed the room.
"So we've got the new medic coming in about 4. We're going to allocate her a room of her own that can be used as a medical bay.
She will be part of the team but of course will keep everything discussed strictly private, please make her feel welcome"
Lin absentmindedly gave a thumbs up from his spot on the stage. Sitting cross legged with his headphones on working through a song mix on his laptop
Tommy pulled Lin's headphones off his head. "Were you listening?"
Lin's hand flew to his chest and a look of mock indignation crossed his face. "Of course! You speak and my whole world stops you know that!"
"Funny..." Tommy eye rolled. "New medic, today, 4 o'clock. will you be around to introduce yourself?"
"I should be... I can't stay long though, got to get this second draft to the big wigs" he tapped his laptop and smiled.
Tommy took a hard look at his friend.  Concern spread across his face.
"Take time to rest Lin, you look done in"
"I will... I'll have an early night... after I've sorted this"
Exasperated Tommy gave Lin a hug
"I mean it Lin, we need you healthy"

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