Chapter 7 - The Fall of Mankind

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And thus, dear reader, I must apologize for where we must journey to. For it is time to depart the glory, splendor, love, and perfection of the past. Just like Man and Woman depart, we must leave Paradise as well.

For it is time for the story to journey thus. Here is the fall of Man.

Satan, who had run in cowardice to the dark side of Earth, stayed in his place for seven days. For seven days he stood, pondered, contemplated, and let only his hatred boil over once again. And on the eighth day, he decided that he must travel once again to Paradise, for he must try again.

And once again, he snuck into Paradise like a snake enters a garden. For physical forms were quick to alert the Heavenly bodies, he came in the form of a mist.

And God indeed saw. But God, in His infinite wisdom and love, would not interfere. For humanity's fate was to be in their own hands. For it was their choice to do good, or their choice to know evil. Just as Satan was allowed his choice, Man had their choice, for Satan was responsible for his own fate as well.

And as Satan entered Paradise, once more he contemplated. For the moment he was in was to be the last peaceful time that Eden would see. His eyes upon the grand openness and vast mass of Earth around him, he realized how Man had dominion over all they walked on and saw upon the Earth. And thus, he knew that this is what he always wanted. For Satan only wanted power and authority over others. He was once the highest of all angels, and he had dominion over them, but for the prideful heart of Satan it was not enough.

And his eyes fell upon the creatures Adam and Eve. And he had his resolve.

If I cannot have it, then nobody shall.

And thus Satan began to ponder what his form shall be. He contemplated on transforming into many of the beasts of the land of air, but finally he settled on his form: the serpent. For the serpent was beautiful and subtle, and thus he believed that he was to get what he wanted. Now he was fully set on ruining Paradise. It was now in the gathering of Hell's conquest.

And now the once great archangel of Heaven, who had pride in his heart for he had spoken that the defeat of God was justice because he was not given full dominion, has now doomed Paradise and the innocence of man, simply because he was not allowed to have it. His heart degenerated thus from a great angel to that of the trickster serpent.

As Satan shifted his form into that of the tempter, Adam and Eve awoke from a slumber. And thus they pondered if they should stay together or separate in order to do twice as much work. For if they were as one, they could resist Satan together.

Eve, however, disagreed with the idea of being as one. "Dear husband, if we are apart then we can get more work done in the garden. For we cannot die, nor can we be subjected to pain, how could this Satan harm us? For also, would it not be truly honorable if either of us were to resist and defeat the creature by ourselves? And why should I truly worry, for would he not go after you first?"

And thus Adam questioned her what she meant by this. And after Eve explained, he thus relented. For by love they had not known hate, and thus an argument carried no ill will between them.

And thus they separated, and Eve went into the garden in which the Trees of Life and Knowledge stood. And Satan, turned into the lowest of creatures that crawl, met her. He positioned himself upwards to the Heavens and declared, "Hail, holy queen, mother of humanity! How beautiful is your ways, as all your words should be given obedience!"

Eve, taken aback by her flattery and surprise at the serpent which spoke, spoke thus. "Dearest serpent, your words are too much. But, your words certainly do surprise me! For I thought Adam and I the only ones who could speak."

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