Chapter 5 - Satan and Gabriel

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As Lucifer planned out the fall for Man, Uriel went back to the gate where Jacob's ladder was so he would be able to gather them up to help.

Sat atop the gate was Gabriel and a few other angels. (Author's note: So Gabriel, who's seen as one of the Archangels in most text, is called the Messenger of Heaven. In the Old Testament, according to theories, he is the one who is called the Angel of the Lord who comes down to deliver news and the Lord's Word to the prophets and God's chosen people. He is mentioned by name in the Gospels of being the angel who tells Mary that she is to give birth to Jesus. In Revelation, he is also depicted as one of the announcers of Jesus' coming as many believe that Gabriel will blow the trumpet that announces His return. Thus he will be depicted as having a trumpet tied to his waist here.) And thus Gabriel saw the worried look on his friend's, Uriel, face.

"We are deceived!" Uriel exclaimed.

Gabriel leapt from the gate and approached him. "What is this of what you speak, Uriel?"

Uriel gestured out toward the garden. "Of the heavenly host that I am a part of, a Cherub entered the garden seeking to praise God with glory! But as he wondered about there came tears of pain and grief. We as heavenly bodies have no concept of this. It must be a deceiver within the legion of the fallen."

With this, Gabriel took up his spear and arose his trumpet with an rallying call. And thus the angels around him snapped to his side.

"Which way did he go?"

"Towards the garden he went," Uriel pointed.

Gabriel, Uriel, and the other angels arose to the air with their wings. "Fly with me, Uriel. We shall search all of Paradise until the enemy is found."

"I hear your words well, Gabriel." As quickly as he could, Uriel flew to Adam and Eve. Gabriel and the other angels flew around the edges of Eden and searched to see if a fallen had managed to break the veil, although they had not known that Lucifer who was in the garden had leapt over the fence while they had let their guard down.

And in utter peace, Adam and Eve laid in their place of rest to prepare to go to sleep. Their home of refuge, a beautiful thicket made of soft leaves. There they retired every day. There they rest their heads.

Adam, who was laid next to his wife, spoke to her before they fell to slumber. "Sleep well, my love my queen. For tomorrow is a day of work for the Lord. For we shall keep the flowers and collect the fruit that we are to eat."

Eve, smiling at the words of her husband, kissed him. "I love our work. For we are the keepers of God's eternal Paradise. The garden is ours to create as we wish. The animals are ours and they are our friends. And thus, I would not have a better partner to do such with than you, my dear husband, Adam. Now rest with me, so we can wake up refreshed."

And as they laid their tired heads to rest, the angels searched for the enemy. And thus, Uriel spoke. "Let us check upon Adam and Eve. For it would pain my heart if they were harmed by the fallen." And thus the angels agreed.

As they entered the abode of God's holy creations, they saw no wrong at first. And thus they looked down at the precious heads of Man and Woman. Down by the ear of Eve was a frog. And the frog whispered harsh things to her while she slept. And thus they realized that the deceiver was in their midst, for animals could not speak like the Divine and no animals were allowed entrance into the home of Adam and Eve.

And Uriel, as he saw the frog, took his spear and hit it. And as soon as the blade touched its skin, it was thrust against the wall of their abode and was transformed back into the deceiver, Lucifer. And Uriel, seeing that it was indeed a fallen, created a gust of wind that only hit Lucifer and took him from Man's presence. And Adam and Eve were unharmed from his influence.

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