Chapter 7

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Thanks for all the positive feedback! I didn't even realize that I had readers so sorry about that long wait, I just finished AP tests and now I'm onto finals. What do you guys think of the new cover? Yay or nay?

Elizabeth was pissed- it wasn't even that time of the month and she was getting awful cramps. She cursed mother nature and continued driving until her back hurt too. A sharp corner was coming up, so Elizabeth applied her breaks and turned- but her hand didn't comply. Her hand made a popping noise in that instance, realising tremendous pain and looked as if she had broken it. Elizabeth let out a skreik and soon was off the road.

Her car tumbled and rolled down the small hill leaving Elizabeth upside down and almost to the point of unconsciousness, blood pooling by her head. Dizzy, she couldn't understand what was happening. It felt as if every bone in her body was breaking and then realigning. It was slow too, although she had no concept of time except the untimely ticking of her now broken watch.

She knew she had a head injury because things were getting weird. Elizabeth figured the pain from the car accident must of caused her to black out, thus causing these whacky ass hallucinations . The pain subsided and Elizabeth attempted to crawl out from her entrapment. But to her utter horror she noticed she didn't have hands, but paws.

Damien was roaring down the road. He was furious. How couldn't he have kown? He knew her scent was off. How could he have been so stupid? Now his mate was in grave danger, the first shift was painful and the chances of survival for a hybrid was low.

Her "Uncle" was one sketchy ass dude and Damien knew that if anything happened to her he would be charging back to rip his head off. He had set some pack members off to watch him and to notify him of his location.

It was raining now, and Damien was coming up to a curve. The first sign was the sent of blood. It got to him before he was even close, quickly pulling off he hurdled toward the wreck. He hoped to find her okay and human, but he didnt.

Her car was in shambles. Upside down the car resembled more of a sandwich than an automobile. The place where she was supposed to be buckled was empty. There was no sign of her flying out any window either. But there was bloody paw prints and that scared Damien the most.

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