Chapter 6

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The night was coming to an end, and in Damien's mind everything had gone perfectly. His gorgeous mate was intellectual, yet very free spirited. She had fierce opinions, yet she was aware of both sides to an argument. And god, when she laughed- all Damien wanted to do was make her keep laughing just to here the joyus sound.

He ended up paying for the bill, however she insisted next time she would. As if realizing what she had said, Elizabeth blushed and mumbled a few words along the lines of " I mean, if you want to". In which Damien of course said yes and gave her his number.

They got up to leave and as they were heading for the door he smelt it. Old, rotten, decaying scent that could only come from a Rouge. He hadn't taken account when he picked the restaurant that it was technically on free ground, between his pack an the neighboring pack. Mainly because he had never heard of any problems of rouges - especially since a rouge would have to go through one of the two pack's to get there.

Surely enough there, in the farthest right side of the bar sat an older man, his eyes an odd shade of yellow directly looking at his mate. He let out a low growl, one only a werewolf could here to tell the intruder to back off. He had a sudden sense of panic, and rushed Elizabeth outside.

Flustered, Elizabeth was sent outside by Damien- where he proceeded to tell her to call him once she arrived home to make sure she was safe and then leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She understood his behavior was odd, hoping he wasn't sending her away because he noticed some familiar face, like a girlfriend sitting at the bar, but wanted to reminisce on her wonderful date on her way home instead. However, she couldn't understand why Damien had growled earlier, but she brushed it off as her imagination.

The man at the bar had clearly not shaven in weeks or bathed himself, and Damien wished he didn't have to interrogate him. Damien sat down next to him and ordered a drink- analyzing the rouge.
"So, Alpha Damien how you like'n my niece?"
Growling Damien replied "She isn't your niece, you scumbag, and I am generously allowing you this time to explain to me how you know her before I rip off your fingers"
"Oh, now Damien now isn't the way you should talk to Uncle Robbie. See your Elizabeth was so very sweet as a baby, to bad her Daddy had to go and die like that. Tsk tsk, he really was my favorite brother."

Damien reached over to his hand that was currently being blocked by too many bears, and 'snap' he extended his claws right through the middle of his pinky.

Robbie clearly wasn't expecting that and let out a small hiss, he knew it would heel, but Damien had him in a position where if he moved he won tear of his entire pinky- something that would take much longer to regenerate.
"Robbie, I would suggest talking now, otherwise this little pinky might go to the market"
"Ok, okay. I am truly Elizabeth's uncle. She is a half breed, she doesn't know it though cause she was given away once her father passed on. I'm only fulfilling her Mother's dying wishes to tell her who she is"
"Of what you are saying is true then Elizabeth would have shifted by now."
"No you idiot- half breeds only shift on a full moon after their 17th birthday"
Looking out the nearest window, horror stuck him as he realized it was a full moon tonight.
"Oh shit"
"Oh yes" Uncle Robbie cackled which then turned out into hisses as Damien's claw was sloppily removed as he raced out the bar.
Hey does anyone create book covers? Comment below if you can help me out.

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