Chapter 5

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Red's Dinner was a delightful little place located in the delightful downtown area, far away from her shabby apartment. Elizabeth was nervous as she drove there, she wasn't quite used to being asked on dates- and dreaded too much social activity, she was very much an introvert. However, whenever she thought of Damien she couldn't stop smiling and saw this as a sign.

Elizabeth was wearing a quaint dress, nothing too formal, but she did agonize about what to wear for a good couple hours. When she saw Damien waiting at the entrance, she was dazzled. He was also informal, but he pulled off the jeans and buttoned down shirt like a model.

"Hey, no paint I see this time" Damien greeted her.
"Oh yeah" she replied blushing and bit her bottom lip, a nervous habit.
"Well, you look gorgeous tonight"
"Thanks you too"
Oh god she thought, I sure know how to stick my foot in my mouth.
Damien laughed, smiled and opened the door. They were given a nice booth, it wasn't overly quite but not too awkwardly quite. They both gave their drink orders, both coca cola people, and surveyed the menu.
"What are you having?" Damien asked the same time thinking I sure know how to put your foot in your mouth.
"Probably a cheeseburger, I'll admit I'm not much of a salad fan"
"Me either, I'm more of a red meet kind of guy"
"Yeah, I know eating lower on the food chain is a more sustainable practice but I just can't get myself to go vegan" Elizabeth replied, a little worried her "environmental science nerd" self was going to scare him off.
Damien laughed, "I am a biology major, I get it. I'm not really suprised you like that stuff, it is easy to tell by your art you're intl it"
"You've seen my art?"
"I'm not quite sure there is anyone in this town that hasn't, it is fantastic".
At that moment the waitress came back with their drinks and got their orders. She was a busty blonde who smiled a little too much at Damien, which made Elizabeth have unwanted feelings of possessiveness. She didn't understand why she was feeling possessive over a man she just met.

The conversation started up quickly after the interruption. Damien discussed how he was majoring in Biology and minoring in business at the college in the town in order to take over his family's extensive company. The topics flowed between the two and was easy for Elizabeth to talk to him, but it worried her too. Should I really feel the is comfortable with a man I just met?
Hey everybody! Here is a short update, I'm not quite sure if I like it. Exams have been going on and I just haven't been available to update. Sorry!

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