"It does not matter." Camilla cut Rhaenyra off, her voice thick with unshed tears. "It does not matter what I want. I cannot leave, I cannot run. I must marry the King, I will marry the King."

Rhaenyra and Alicent glanced at each other, neither knowing what to say as they went back to preparing Camilla for her wedding.


The white skirt of her dress trailed against the stone road as Camilla stepped out of the safety of the wheelhouse. Rhaenyra and Alicent had already entered the Grand Sept, mingling with the guests, all awaiting her entrance. She could feel her stomach turning from nerves, Camilla glanced back at the carriage. She wished it could take her back, take her back in time so she could change her fate.

But that wasn't possible, the doors had already begun to open. She clasped her hands in front of her stomach, pressing down in an effort to reassure herself. The red and navy blue cloak felt heavy on her shoulders, as if the weight of her house was dragging her down. Attempting to drown her in the waters surrounding Riverrun.

The Lords and Ladies all stood as Camilla entered, watching the young girl who would become their queen. Through the sea of people, Camilla found Rhaenyra and Alicent. Her friends smiled at her, reassuring her they were not angry, that they understood now. The Tully girl swallowed, pulling her eyes off of her friends and to the man she was about to marry.

King Viserys met her at the bottom of the platform between the stone statues of the Mother and Father. Offering a small smile as he took her hand and escorted her to the High Septon. Once the couple were in place, the elderly man began. "The love of the Seven is holy and eternal. The source of life and love. We stand here tonight in thanks and praise to join two souls as one. Father, Mother, Warrior, Smith, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. Hear now their vows."

"I am yours and you are mine from this day until the end of my days, from this day until my last day"  The King spoke, his voice clear.

Camilla looked out across the Grand Sept. Her eyes studied every face, before they found a pair of lilac eyes. There he stood in all his glory, all his beauty. Her love. He had come to save her. A smile began spreading across her face, she should have never doubted him.

Her violet eyes blinked and when they opened again Prince Daemon had disappeared. She had imagined it. He had not returned for her, he was happy on Dragonstone with his whore. Camilla's smile dimmed as she turned back to the man in front of her.

"I am yours," Camilla took a deep breath before she continued. "And you are mine from this day until the end of my days, from this day until my last day."

Continuing the ceremony, the High Septon turned to the King. "You may now cloak the bride to give her your protection in the eyes of the people and the gods: the Maiden, the Warrior, the Mother, the Crone, the Father, the Smith and the Stranger."

With this Viserys reached forward and removed the Tully cloak from Camilla's shoulders. Handing it off to a nearby septon, Viserys took a blood red cloak with a black three headed dragon breathing fire and wrapped it around Camilla, signifying she was no longer a member of the House of Tully.. With the Targaryen cloak in place around his new bride, Viserys took Camilla's hand in his, and looked to the High Septon.

"We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever, The High Septon spoke as he wrapped a silk ribbon around Camilla and Viserys' conjoined hands. "Let it be known that King Viserys of House Targaryen and Lady Camilla of House Tully are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words."

"I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," Viserys spoke, stepping forward until he was chest to chest to Camilla..

"I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days." The words fell from Camilla's lips, as her eyes began to water. Tears building in the corner of her eyes.

"With this kiss, I pledge my love," Viserys announced.

Camilla squeezed her eyes shut as the King's lips met hers. Tears fell down her cheeks. Cheers and murmurs filled the Grand Sept as the Lords celebrated their King's beautiful new wife and the Ladies whispered of her sadness.


The feast following her wedding ceremony passed in a blur for Camilla, She vaguely remembered dancing with her new husband and picking at her food. She thinks Alicent and Rhaenyra had attempted to speak to her, but she couldn't be sure. She hadn't been fully present until men of the court had surrounded her, hoisting her into the air. She had screamed, begging for them to put her down, but they only laughed. Cruel and disgusting comments fell from their lips.

The men had carried her into the King's chambers, throwing her onto his bed. Camilla had bounced as she landed, pulling her legs to her chest. She wanted to disappear as Viserys entered the room and the Lords left, though their laughter still rang from the hall behind the closed doors.

Viserys said nothing as he reached the bed, he quickly shed his clothes. When he finally stood before Camilla naked, his hand latched onto one of her ankles and yanked. Pulling Camilla to the edge of  the bed. She accepted her fate, going limp as Viserys flipped her skirt up over her hips and began poking and prodding at the space between her thighs.

Camilla closed her eyes, she tried to imagine it was Daemon touching her. That it was Daemon she had married. She recalled how his hands felt on her bare skin. She hissed in pain as Viserys forced his way inside of her, attempting to disappear further into her mind. She thought of how Daemon's finger nails would dig into the flesh of her hips to the point she thought she might bleed and then he would gently trace the curves of her body. How the world stopped when their lips met.

A weight collapsed onto her chest, snapping her back to reality. The King laid on top of her panting for breath. Camilla could feel a wetness spreading between her legs, as the King's seed leaked out of her. Viserys lifted his head, placing a kiss on Camilla's cheek and then rolling off of her. Snores soon filled the room as the King fell asleep, leaving Camilla alone and awake to mourn her life.

AN: Alicent and Rhaenyra now know Camilla's secret, do you think they're gonna keep it?


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