Chapter 1: Fading Magic

Start from the beginning

     "Ugh, not the paperwork againnnnn!" Catra groaned. 

     Adora gave her a stern look.

     "Ok fine, I'll do it. Stupid paperwork. Can't they find a more efficient system? One that maybe doesn't involve so much paperwork?" Catra muttered annoyedly as she started writing again. 

     Purple sparkles appeared in the air, and Glimmer teleported into the room.

     "Hey guys, where is Arrow? Me and dad need to practice some magic and spells with him."

     "He went to check on Finn and Cynthia." Bow told her.

     "Heh, good luck finding them sparkles! I hope you don't fall for their pranks again. Cause if this time is anything like last time... oh boy... you're gonna need it." Catra muttered, still loud enough for Glimmer to hear. Glimmer gave her an irritated look.

     "Your brat gets it from you, you know." She said, then sighed. "Whatever, I'll go find them." Then she teleported away.  


     "Alright... so just shoot that, and the trap will be set off. This oughtta get their attention..." Finn said as they smiled and rubbed their hands together menacingly. They, along with Cynthia, were currently in the whispering woods, surrounded by trees. They were overlooking a big drop into the palace yard. In that drop was something that looked like one of those Rube-Goldberg machines, and a really long one at that.

     "Ahh... I don't know if this is going to work... I mean... what if I miss, or what if something goes wrong and it doesn't work the way it should? Or what if-"

    "Ohhhh come onnnn Cyn! You're a master archer, there's no way you're gonna miss, and we already checked the trap for any mistakes, twice. Well, you did most of the checking, I just followed you." They muttered. "But still! I wouldn't have even built this contraption if it wasn't for you!" Finn said, gesturing to the looooooong chain of contraptions on the field below them. "Now shoot it, this thing's foolproof! It's gotta be!" They said as they leaned back against a tree and tapped their foot.

     Cynthia sighed. "Alright, but if we get caught, or something else happens, this is on you." She readied herself to shoot the arrow and set off the trap. Finn leaned forward eagerly, ears flattened, tail lashing as they got ready for Cynthia to shoot the arrow. As Cynthia readied herself to shoot, their eyes flitted to a falling leaf. They unsheathed their claws and lashed their tail excitedly and readied themselves to pounce on it. Just as they were about to do that, purple sparkles appeared in front of them, and Arrow appeared. Finn jumped in surprise, fur sticking up.

     "Hey guys, where have you been? I've been looking all over the castle grounds for you!" Cynthia jumped at the sound of her brother and let go of her bow and arrow.

     "I missed." She grumbled as she picked up her bow, then walked over to Finn and Arrow.

     "Uh- we've been here the whole time, duh. Why, are our parents looking for us?" They asked as their fur began to lie flat. Their tail flicking idly as they talked.

     "They're not exactly looking for you, but they are wondering where you are. You guys have been gone a pretty long time... anyways, we should go back before you get caught." Arrow said as he and Cynthia started walking back to Bright Moon. 

     "Awwww man! Do we have to?!" Finn complained, but their attention flitted to another falling leaf.

     "Come on Finn." They heard Cynthia's voice calling them just as they were about to pounce on it. Finn turned their head toward the sound and saw that Arrow and Cynthia had already moved far ahead, and they ran after them.

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