Chapter 1: Fading Magic

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     "Ugh, there's sooooo much paperworrrrrk! Why do we need to do all of this anyway?!" Catra complained as she frustratedly pushed her papers away from her on the table and flopped back onto the couch. 

     Sitting next to her was Adora. Nodding as she read a paper and scribbled something down on it. She slid the paper away and took another one from a stack of paperwork close to her. Moving onto the next paper to do the same thing. 

     "Catra, you know that this paperwork has important information needed for the kingdom to run." Adora told her, looking up from her paperwork. Right now, she, Catra, and Bow were in the Bright Moon's castle lounge. They were each filling out a MOUNTAIN of paperwork. Bow diligently signed away at his papers as Adora and Catra talked. His son, Arrow was also in the room. Reading an interesting looking history book.

     "But there's still way too much! And that's after we split it! Let's do something fun instead. I mean... I can't even remember the last time we went on a date night together. Y'know, just the two of us." She said as she sat back up and looked at Adora.

      "Look, Catra, I know we've been busy lately."

      "Too busy." Catra rolled her eyes.

      "But I promise, as soon as we get this done, and Glimmer is done with her meeting, we'll do something fun together, just the two of us." Adora smiled at Catra and put her hand on Catra's.

     "Uh huh, I've heard that before." Catra jerked her hand away, Adora frowned.

     "Hey guys... is everything ok? We can do this later if you guys want." Bow spoke up.

     "Do you guys need help? Cause I can help too." Arrow asked, looking up from the history book that he was reading.

     "We're all right, but thanks for asking anyway." Adora answered back. 

     "Ok then." Arrow shrugged and went back to reading. 

     "Wait a second, where are Finn and Cynthia?" Bow wondered aloud.

     "Chill out arrow boy, I'm sure they're fine." Catra reassured him. "And I'm pretty sure they don't wanna be watched 24/7 like prisoners." She muttered to herself, not loud enough for anyone to hear.

     "Did someone say my name?" Arrow looked up, confused.

     "As long as they're not getting into trouble..." Adora said uncertainly.

     If I know Finn and Cynthia, they're probably up to something. Arrow thought to himself. Maybe I should find them before they get into trouble.

     "I'll go check on them." Arrow said, then he teleported away. 

     "It's so hard to keep track of everything around here. We're working our asses off all the time! We need a break." Catra commented.

     "Look, I know it's a lot, but-" 

     "Actually Catra's right. We've been so busy, we haven't really had time for ourselves lately. Maybe we should go on a best friend squad adventure! Like we used to do. Or maybe we should visit our other friends, y'know, catch up. It's been a long time since we talked to them too." Bow suggested.

     Adora sighed. "I guess it would be nice to get a break from all this work and take some time for ourselves."

     "Hell yeah it will!" Catra exclaimed.

     "Besides, Swift Wind has been nagging me to go flying with him, and I cannot get him to stop asking." Adora added. "But we're getting ahead of ourselves. We need to finish up this paperwork before we do anything else."

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