20. A Foul Ending (FINAL)

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You startle at the sound of the gunshot and Billy quickly pulled his pants back up and grabs his knife and ran into the living room where Stu dropped the gun after missing his shot towards Sidney and he starts wrestling her. He flips her over the couch and onto the coffee table. You also pulled your pants back up and ran into the living room. You then stumbled over once you felt your back develope in pain again and your head was dizzy. My fucking God, what did Stu put in that!?!? You got back up and saw Randy laying there dead. Shit...

You then saw Sidney getting choked by Stu. Your eyes widened, "STOP!" You yelled. Billy was stepping on her stomach as Stu continued choking her. You went to try and pull Billy off of her but he thought you were someone else and elbowed your stomach extremely hard making your brace pound into your diaphragm. Your eyes widened extremely wide and you fell over hitting your head across the arm rester of the arm and you once again couldn't breathe. Your eyes were getting blurry as you could no longer hear. You started crawling away to go to the door but it was a struggle. Breathe,
Y/n, breathe.

You then spotted the gun in front of you and you struggled to reach for it since your stomach was hurting and your back was killing you. You were about to die, you couldn't breathe. Billy rushed over to you and he flipped you over. You could barely even look at him. "Breathe...I can't live without you" was all you heard. Your arm was above your head and you reached for the gun and pointed it at his head. "Good thing I won't have to see you..." you wheezed out before pulling the trigger and he died right then and there. You didn't even know what you did, you just couldn't breathe at all.

Sidney ran over to you after she heard a gunshot. You were assuming that she killed Stu. "Y/N!" She screamed. All you could hear were muffles and police sirens. Sidney was crying as she was shaking you to wake up but your diaphragm got the best of you.

I'm sorry...I'm sorry Casey, Steve, Tatum, and Randy. If it weren't for me, you would've stayed, graduated, and we could've been the teenagers that we've always wanted to be.

Billy...why? I didn't ask for this..not negatively. I actually loved you, I was just scared. Why didn't you understand that? I do not forgive you...but I will always love you.

Stu...thank you for drugging me, what a way to go with the pain I was already in. And...thank you for fucking up our friendship.

Sidney...I'm so sorry. Don't look up to me when I'm not here, it's all my fault. I'll tell Tatum that you said hi.

And as for myself...I hate me. I should've never moved here, dated Randy, never became friends with you guys, and I should've dated Billy without a single notice. I'm so sorry...I wish I never accepted this school. If I could make one wish, it'd be to change my life.

I'm sorry...

Billy Loomis x Reader |3rd Version| |1996|Where stories live. Discover now