16. Debate For Love

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Billy was just sitting downstairs in the living room. Of course his dad wasn't home because he's always out getting hoes and getting drunk, but oh well. He was wondering if you were actually going to come. I mean, you did say that you had to ask Randy, which he told you not to because you shouldn't have to ask your own boyfriend to go places. He was still pissed at Randy after what he heard at Blockbuster. The fact that he said he wanted Sidney to go out with him knowing damn well he has a girlfriend was just truly upsetting. Billy was going to tell you, there was no way in hell he was gonna keep that a secret. Besides, he wanted you.

With You

You sat on the hospital bed and called Randy on the telephone. "So I was wondering if maybe this can be the only night we skip out day to hangout" "really, Y/n?- we haven't seen eachother in almost 2 days!" "I know, please understand though..!" You said back. He sighed in aggravation. "Well, where are you going that is so much more important than our night?" You went quiet for a moment, "Billy's house..- but I swear, it's not more important, I just also wanna see Billy" he also went quiet for a moment. "So you're skipping our night to go to some suspicious psycho's house?" You furrowed your eyes at the name calling he called Billy. "You know, I don't know what the problem is you guys have with Billy, he didn't even do anything!"

"How would you know that, Y/n? You weren't at Sidney's or Casey's house and you have no idea who was under that mask at your house the other night!" "Neither were you, Randy, so stop it" "you know what? If you like him more, then go ahead, I won't stop you" "what?! Randy-" he hung up. You stared at the telephone and then slammed it back down. Dewey then came in, "alright, you can go, but I'm gonna have to drive you there" he said. You just had your face buried into your hands. "Hey, you alright?" He asked. "Yeah, can I just go? Now?" He nodded and you slowly got up so your back and stomach wouldn't hurt.

"Oh, and..make sure you're careful" he said meaning Billy's house. You just glared at him annoyed. "Don't worry, kid, you're doing good with that on" he said meaning the brace.

At Billy's House

You knocked on the door as Dewey drove away. Billy answered the door and his eyes lit up when he saw you. "You came.." he was surprised. "Yep.." you smiled a little. He opened the door more to let you in. He noticed that you looked a little upset. "You okay?" He asked. You shrugged, "not really.." you replied. "What is it?" He asked as he sat down on the couch and looked at you. You just crossed your arms as you pasted in a circle. "It's just...I don't understand everyone's problem.." Billy raised an eyebrow in agreement. "Like, first..I get attacked, everyone is up my ass about it, and now.." his heart raced as he stared at you waiting for what you were about to say.

"Now Randy's putting words in my mouth.." you finished. Billy was now curious, what's he saying to her? "Did he do something?" Billy asked. You sighed, "no, he's just not listening to my words and uses his thinking I need them.." you replied. Billy's eyes shifted down, tell her what he said at the video store, tell her, do it, Billy. She'll be yours forever if you tell her. "I um, I actually wanted to tell you something" you looked at him and he patted the spot next to him and you sat down. He turned to you and took a deep breath. "Randy wants to go out with Sid" he said without hesitation. That was maybe a little too specific, I should've slowly explained it.

You furrowed your eyebrows with a weird face. "What do you mean..?" You asked hoping it's not what it sounds like. Make up a lie along with the truth so she'll be mad at him and want me instead. "He was telling Stu today about how much he wanted Sidney and the only reason why he dated you was because he wanted to make Sidney jealous and want him" your heart dropped and you just stared at him frozen. "I know, I was about to go confront him but I didn't wanna cause any problems" yes, I do. Your eyes shifted down and you took a skippy deep breath as you tried not to cry. Jeez, attacked and betrayed in one week.

Billy Loomis x Reader |3rd Version| |1996|Where stories live. Discover now