✨ Lie nr. 15

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You better believe me too when I say I have spent the last seven days wandering around daydreaming. Kissing him has been my number one thought and multiple scenarios of me accidently bumping into him have been messing with my sanity. I also have been imagining him calling me babe every ten minutes and every time it gets to me just like when he said it first.

I instantly swooned into a pile of goop.

Today was the day I had a good excuse to "not accidentally" bump into him, being working on my project with Rhett.

I was in the lion's den, ready to be mauled.

However, when I arrived Rémy was still at practice and by the time he would have gotten back Rhett and I continued our project in his room.

Brooks and that specimen Harris claimed the living room.

"So, I found some clues about the dad, and I reconstructed a timeline. His name was Sam Bailey. I also found some old pictures from when he was doing some interviews for the local paper, maybe that could help us get somewhere." I tell Rhett as I give him the folder and he looks closely at the photographs.

"These pictures are old, but good catch. I actually found something on the mom. Well, I'm not sure she is the mom but it feels like it's connected somehow." Rhett utters and it almost dislocates my jaw when he pushes a bind folder in my hands.

"You actually investigated something?"

"You underestimate me." He smirks and I can't help but feel a little proud. "I actually wanted to do more, but my dad came by and..." He falls silent and I can tell he's not doing okay.

"How did it go?" I say carefully while giving him an assuring smile.

"Lots of business dinners." He shrugs. "I'm a nice shiny accessory you know."

I scoff and shake my head; in disbelief any parent could treat their kid like that. "Ew." A grimace spreads across my face. "Sounds like your dad's a narcissist."

"I'm fully aware he is," His gaze drops into his lap. "What am I going to do about it though?"

"I don't know." I mutter. "I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Thank you for still taking the time to work on this."

A glimmer appears in his eyes and his all-white smile tugs at his mouth. "It was actually a good escape in between dinners and lectures."

"So, tell me, what did you find out?" I nod towards the binder before quickly skimming through it.

"There was this police report of a woman being arrested in Minnesota for trying to forge birth certificates. A private investigator looked into it, saw similarities between the two cases and went to the police with it. They didn't care so he wrote an column article in a local newspaper. I thought it was interesting."

I diagonally read the article and it's just a bunch of theories, no pictures included about the two women, but it is a clue somehow. Maybe it's not the exact same woman but if the woman we are investigating managed to stay this long under the radar, she must have had the boy's birth certificate altered, change his name too.

"Good work." I nod and Rhett turns into full gloat mode.

We're silently working and searching for more articles when my phone pings. I'm unable to hide my smile when I see who the text is from, smirking like the Cheshire cat and I'm glad it goes unnoticed by Rhett. Good because I'm probably blushing too.



You're fucking torturing me...

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