Seed of temptation

Start from the beginning

"Esteemed Colleagues,

The vote we've passed today didn't only decide a part of our republics fate, but also that of the planet Nathema. It was close but we've reached a decision. Some may not agree with it, but our democracy is at the service of the majority and with that I'll present you the outcome." he spoke and then pressed a button in front of him.

The results were displayed in a large blue hologram in front of everyone and while some busted out in cheer over their small victory, others thought to themselves, how this could happen.

"I'm sorry, my friend." Senator Organa apologised to you.

"There is no need to feel sorry, my friend. You can't win every battle you fight, what counts is that you stand up and keep fighting for your goals, despite everything others might throw in your way." you remind the Senator and gently put your hand on his shoulder before you take your leave.

The speeder ride back to your ship went by fast and two guards instantly greeted you.

"Lord (S/N)."

"At ease soldiers. We're not leaving just yet. There's someone I still need to talk to." you tell them and head inside to look for something, "I'm going to need quick pull out when I'm finished with my business. Track my coordinates on this transponder and warm up the engines."

Your orders were still sounding through the air as the men got to work, while you went to the Jedi temple. As you climbed up the stairs a temple guard stopped you.

"What do you want here?" he asked with a firm and strong voice.

"I have business with Jedi Master Luminara Unduli." you answer in the same manner, "If you don't believe me just call her up."

"Isn't this hour rather late for official meetings?" the guard asked doubtfully.

"I do agree with you but unfortunately I cannot do anything about the way the senate works."

The moment you mentioned that you were from the senate, the behaviour of the guard changed immediately. Apparently, another guard must have called Luminara since she suddenly appeared behind the poor man, scaring the living hell out of his soul.

"I must apologize for the way our guards behaved towards you." Luminara said, while shooting a small but angered glance back at the guard, before leading you along the halls.

"There is no reason to apologize, they were only doing their job. It is nothing to be concerned of."

You responded with a reassuring smile, making Luminara feel at ease. As you walked through the quiet halls of the Jedi Temple, you continued your conversation, carefully choosing your words.

"Luminara, I must say, your dedication to the Jedi Order is truly admirable. The way you uphold their principles and follow their teachings without question is commendable," you began, subtly emphasizing the idea of unwavering loyalty.

Luminara nodded, her expression calm but attentive.

"Thank you, (S/N). It is our duty as Jedi to maintain balance and protect the galaxy from darkness."

"Indeed, the Jedi have always been regarded as the guardians of peace and justice. However, I cannot help but wonder if such rigid adherence to a single code limits your ability to adapt to the complexities of the galaxy," you remarked, carefully planting a seed of doubt.

Luminara's brows furrowed slightly, a sign that your words had struck a chord.

"The Jedi Code is our guiding light. It provides us with clarity and discipline in the face of temptation."

The crimson child -Male Sith Reader-Where stories live. Discover now