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Miranda looked into the mirror with a huge smile. She admired her makeup and hair down to her wedding dress.

It was a white trumpet, Mermaid Sweetheart, Sweep Brush Train Applique Tulle dress. She loved it so much when the designer showed her the sketch.

"You look beautiful," Elena complimented.

"Thanks, momma," Miranda responded.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Elena asked.

"What? Momma, yes. Why would you ask that ?" She responded, turning to face her the best she could.

"I wouldn't be a good mother if I didn’t ask. I asked you with Tucker, too. Plus I never thought that you would be with a man that has two sleeves full of tattoos. " Elena smiled wearily.

"I'm ready," Miranda said confidently. There wasn't any walking away from Ben. His guys would make it so she couldn't leave.

She chuckled to herself at the inside joke. It was hard having this other lifestyle that no one could know about. Her mother would have a heart attack if she knew she was marrying the leader of the most powerful Mafia on the Pacific cost. If her dad knew that she had killed people along side and for Ben, they would drag her away and call the authorities. But she was happily end deep and knew that she was riding with him until the wheels fell off.

Whatever storm came, they would have to weather it together.

"I love him so much, and this is it," Miranda told her mother assuringly. "And those tattoos are so sexy," she added, licking her lips.

The door opened, and Callie, Arizona, and Meredith walked through. Miranda noticed the worried expressions on their face.

"What's the matter?" Miranda asked quickly.

"Oh nothing, uh, we finished making sure everything was in order," Callie lied.

"You're lying. What is it? What are you hiding?"

"Ben and the grooms men are gone. They were here earlier, and now they left. We don't know where they went. We called and didn't get a response."

"Oh my god, Miranda, I'm sorry," Elena said, rubbing her arms.

"It's nothing to be sorry about. He's not leaving me at the altar."

"It might just be a little cold feet," Arizona suggested.

"He doesn't have cold feet. He will be here. Ben wouldn't do this to me," Miranda returned.

"The wedding starts in 20 minutes," Elena retorted.

"Baby girl, I will kill that boy if he thinks he's about to leave you hanging without so much of a word." William gritted.

Miranda gave Ben the benefit of the doubt. She refused to believe that he was leaving her and he didn't want to get married. It had to be something else.

"Enough!" Miranda yelled, silencing everyone's chatter and gossip.

"Ben will be here on time. He would never leave me hanging. He's coming," Miranda stressed.

Ben walked to the alley nearby. He wasn't that far from the wedding venue. He had to excuse himself from the bustling wedding preparations. Basically, he slipped into the shadows with his men. Out of all days, there was some bullshit going on.

Ben's men stood in a protective circle, their expressions hardened. Frankie was a new guy who replaced David. He was a skilled enforcer with a heart of gold. Kyle had his hand in his pocket with his nice tux on, waiting for Ben to speak.

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